04 July 24

The Climate Risk Assessment e-learning course is out now!

We are thrilled to introduce our newly launched e-learning course: the Climate Risk Sourcebook is now available on our website!

  • English

About the Course

The Climate Risk Sourcebook e-learning course is designed to empower practitioners and stakeholders with the tools and knowledge needed to conduct thorough Climate Risk Assessments (CRAs).

This comprehensive course builds upon our updated guidelines, which align with the latest IPCC report (AR6). The course is structured into eight detailed modules, providing a step-by-step approach to CRAs, including new and updated content on:

  • External Risk Drivers: Understand the broader factors influencing climate risks.
  • Impact/Risk Cascades and Systemic Risks: Explore the interconnected nature of climate impacts.
  • Climate Risk Management (CRM): Learn how CRAs inform effective CRM strategies and identify entry points for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA).
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engage effectively with diverse stakeholders to ensure inclusive risk assessments.
  • Gender and Differential Vulnerability: Address the unique vulnerabilities of marginalized groups.
  • Climate Risk Impact Chains: Grasp the detailed concept of impact chains for a holistic risk assessment.

Course Modules

The course is divided into sequential and cross-cutting modules to facilitate comprehensive learning:

  1. Scoping
  2. Risk Identification
  3. Risk Analysis
  4. Risk Evaluation

Cross-cutting modules that can be explored in any order include:

  • Data, Information and Knowledge Sources
  • Towards Adaptation
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Communication

Join Us in Building Climate Resilience

Whether you are new to climate risk assessments or looking to enhance your expertise, this course offers valuable insights and practical tools. Equip yourself with the latest scientific methodologies and participative approaches to make informed decisions and drive climate action.

You can access the course here: LINK

More information on the Climate Risk Sourcebook on the partners´website here: LINK

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