Eurach Research
02 April 24

X-RISK-CC: 3rd partner meeting in Lyon

This partner meeting is part of the Interreg Alpine Space project "How to adapt to changing weather eXtremes and associated compound RISKs in the context of Climate Change"

    Last week our researchers Alice Crespi, Elena Manies, Kathrin Renner, Daniela Dellantonio, Marc Zebisch and Laura Bozzoli attended the 3rd X-RISK-CC partner meeting in Lyon. During the meeting the partners presented initial results about past and future changes of extreme weather events in the pilot areas. The discussion also focused on all ongoing activities related to the hazard modelling and risk management on a local and Alpine level. In addition, the project partners elaborated the next steps towards the a common risk assessment methodology and the definition of actions and guidelines to help risk managers of Alpine regions in dealing with future challenges under climate change.

    This project is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.

    More details about the project X-RISK-CC are available below.

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