Development of an innovative approach for the derivation of a drought index for alpine grassland by combining satellite data, physical models, and meteorological information
- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Funding: Direct Award Contracts (Province BZ funding / Project)
- Institutes: Institute for Earth Observation, Center for Sensing Solutions, Center for Climate Change and Transformation
DROUGHT_ST is funded directly through the research office of the province of Bolzano. The objective of the project is the development of an innovative drought index for grassland insurance, based on remote sensing and meteorological data. The results will be implemented in a prototype to be tested in a real application based on the summer of 2022, which will allow an easy adaptation for the operational use. The scientific findings of the project will be published in a peer-reviewed journal.
The project will be carried out in close collaboration with the local stakeholders in order to adapt the development based on their feedback and requirements.
The role of EURAC in the project will be related to the development of the drought index, including the processing of the remote sensing and meteorological data. Furthermore, we are responsible for the development of the interface prototype.
Contact person: Mariapina Castelli
Project funded by
Castelli M, Göhner C, Alasawedah M, Mejia-Aguilar A, Crespi A, Sicher G, Dovas A, Stendardi L, Bartkowiak P, Cuozzo G, R. Monsorno R, Peratoner G (2024)
Conference: EGU 2024 | Vienna | 14.4.2024 - 19.4.2024
More information: https://www.egu24.eu/
Castelli M (2024)
More information: https://www.altoadigeinnovazione.it/dati-satellitari-e-pasco ...
Castelli M, Peratoner G, Pasolli L, Molisse G, Dovas A, Sicher G, Crespi A, Rossi M, Alasawedah MH, Soini E, Monsorno R, Notarnicola C (2023)
Journal article
Remote Sensing
More information: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs15143542
Castelli M, Peratoner G (2023)
Dolomiten: Tagblatt der Südtiroler
Castelli M, Pasolli L, Molisse G, Peratoner G, Rossi M, Crespi A, Sicher G, Zellner P, Claus M, Greifeneder F, Vianello A, Iussig G, Bellistri E, Jacob A, Monsorno R, Notarnicola C (2022)
Conference: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2022 | Bonn | 23.5.2022 - 27.5.2022
Castelli M (2022)
CodipraNews: Periodico del Consorzio Difesa Produttori Agricoli Co.Di.Pr.A.
More information: https://www.codipratn.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Numero_4 ...