Eurach Research
24 March 23

DRI2 project successfully concluded

The project brought interesting results, which attracted the attention of other organisations in the field, enabling Eurac Research to continue refining the methods developed in DRI2 within the Horizon Europe #ScaleAgData project.

    The DRI2 project, financed directly by the Research Office of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano and supervised by the Agriculture and Forestry Office, has been successfully concluded. The aim of the project was the development of an innovative drought index to create experimental parametric policies for mountain grasslands and pastures, based on meteorological and high resolution satellite data. The project was carried out in close collaboration with the Laimburg Research Centre and the Edmund Mach Foundation. In addition, the Südtiroler Hagelschutzkonsortium and Co.Di.Pr.A. - Condifesa Trento consortia were involved in order to adapt the drought indices to the actual needs of the sector.

    DRI2 marked an important milestone: thanks to it, it will now be possible to assess possible yield losses due to drought with greater reliability, at the scale of the individual agricultural plot, offering greater guarantees to both farmers and the various institutions responsible for managing insurance compensation for grasslands and pastures. Furthermore, its results have attracted the interest of other organisations in the field, allowing Eurac Research to continue refining the methods developed in DRI2 within the Horizon Europe #ScaleAgData project.

    Credits: undefined

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