Eurach Research


SCALING ΑGRICULTURAL SENSOR DATA for an improved monitoring of agri-environmental conditions


    ScaleAgData is a four-year project funded by the EU program Horizon Europe. Eurac Research is one of the 26 partners of the consortium led by VITO (Belgium).

    The vision of ScaleAgData is to obtain insights in how the complex data streams should be governed and organized, as well as to develop the data technology (from data streaming, data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) applications) needed to scale data collected at the farm level to regional datasets built for agri-environmental monitoring and the management of agricultural production. This will be achieved through a number of well-chosen Research and Innovation Labs (RI Labs), where different data upscaling and integration models or approaches will be evaluated and demonstrated. Recommendations will be formulated on how such integrated datasets can be capitalized to help national and regional policy making to strengthen both the competitiveness and sustainability of European agriculture.

    The main role of Eurac is to develop innovative methods to improve the estimation of grassland ecosystems biophysical parameters and biomass, applying these methods within the grasslands RI Lab.

    The main objectives of Eurac are a) consolidating our methods to estimate the productivity of mountain grasslands by satellite data, b) develop new techniques to exploit synergies between different satellite-based sensor, c) monitoring and understanding the impacts of climate change and climate extremes on Alpine ecosystems.

    Contact: Mariapina Castelli

    Project funded by

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    Our researcher is collecting leaf area index (LAI) and forage yield data.Credit: Eurac Research | Laura Stendardi

    Credit: Eurac Research | Laura Stendardi
    Multispectral and SAR satellite data to estimate the impact of drought on the productivity of mountain grasslands in the European Alps

    Castelli M, Göhner C, Alasawedah M, Mejia-Aguilar A, Crespi A, Sicher G, Dovas A, Stendardi L, Bartkowiak P, Cuozzo G, R. Monsorno R, Peratoner G (2024)

    Conference: EGU 2024 | Vienna | 14.4.2024 - 19.4.2024

    More information:

    Dati satellitari e pascoli alpini, il progetto di Eurac Research che porta l'innovazione nell’agricoltura
    Castelli M (2024)

    More information: ...

    Insuring Alpine Grasslands against Drought-Related Yield Losses Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data
    Castelli M, Peratoner G, Pasolli L, Molisse G, Dovas A, Sicher G, Crespi A, Rossi M, Alasawedah MH, Soini E, Monsorno R, Notarnicola C (2023)
    Journal article
    Remote Sensing

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    Modelling Biophysical Parameters of Alpine Grassland from Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 Data using Spatial Gap-filling
    Göhner CS, Alasawedah MH, Mejia-Aguilar A, Peratoner G, Dovas A, Sicher G, Stendardi L, Bartkowiak P, Claus M, Cuozzo G, Castelli M (2023)

    Conference: 8th International Workshop on Retrieval of Bio- & Geo-physical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications | Rome | 15.11.2023 - 17.11.2023

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    Dürreversicherung erhält Hilfe aus dem All
    Castelli M, Peratoner G (2023)
    Dolomiten: Tagblatt der Südtiroler
    Arriva il satellite per assicurare il Prato-Pascolo
    Castelli M (2022)
    CodipraNews: Periodico del Consorzio Difesa Produttori Agricoli Co.Di.Pr.A.

    More information: ...

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