Eurach Research


EnviRonmental pollution Micromobility sEnSing

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: finished
    • Funding:
      Excellence Science (Horizon 2020 /EU funding /Project)
    • Institute: Center for Sensing Solutions

    Public micro mobility services (bikes, e-bikes, e-scooters) have a direct impact on the environment and the low-carbon economy. In parallel, sensing/monitoring urban air quality is a known need for any smart city to raise population awareness on health risks.

    Cyclopolis is developing an autonomous low energy air quality sensor kit to be safely mounted on public micro mobility fleets. ERMES aims to extend the functionality of the kit with the transfer of Eurac's novel technology and knowhow on digital platforms to the sensor-kit as well as to promote it effectively with the Gruppo FOS’ marketing and commercialization network.

    ERMES will provide the public shared mobility market a reliable data and information service for smart cities. With ERMES, Cyclopolis will upgrade its product, reducing time-to-market, Eurac will deploy in the real environment its technology and validate the robustness of its IoT prototyping service. FOS will extend its portfolio of products and services.

    ERMES: EnviRonmental pollution Micromobility sEnSing
    Monsorno R, Tritini S, Mendicino R, Siakantaris H (2022)

    Conference: SFSCon 2022 - South Tyrol Free Software Conference | Bolzano | 11.11.2022 - 12.11.2022

    Wire together data, software, and hardware Data flows with Node-RED
    Tritini S (2022)

    Conference: Software Developer's Thursday | Bolzano | 1.12.2022 - 1.12.2022

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