Eurach Research


Holistic UGV-based Resilient and Real-time Intelligence for Crisis And Natural Emergency

    HURRICANE will unlock the potential of UGV operation in hazardous environment, relying on enhanced vision capabilities and smart integration over a holistic, resilient and real-time situational awareness infrastructure that includes innovative UAV-UGV cooperation pathways and multi-technology communication infrastructure. Data-driven optimization models will provide recommendations through a user-friendly API to support first responders’ tactics. Three complementary pilots will be implemented to demonstrate the benefits brought by HURRICANE solutions. Last, but not least, EU-wide training modules will be implemented to raise awareness among first responders about these innovative technologies, integrating new operational procedures.

    WP1 Project management

    1.1 Legal and contractual management

    1.2 Financial and administrative management

    1.3 Technical coordination

    1.4 Advisory Board Engagement

    1.5 Data Management Plan

    WP2 Identification of first responders’ needs and requirements

    2.1 End-users’ and stakeholders’ requirements analysis

    2.2 Refinement of technical specifications

    2.3 Definition of operational scenarios for the demos

    WP3 Enhancing UGV capabilities – UxV cooperation pathways

    3.1 UGV adaptation and sensor integration

    3.2 Advanced UGV navigation in outdoor unstructured areas

    3.3 UAV platform adaptation

    3.4 UGV/UAV laser-based charging for endurance extension

    WP4 Communication infrastructure

    4.1 Internet gateway with Satellite Connectivity

    4.2 Radio and Optical Propagation Modeling for Network Digital Twins

    4.3 Resilient Multi-Technology Wireless Communications Links for UGVs and UAVs

    4.4 UAV Communications Relay and Obstacle-Aware Positioning

    WP5 Data-driven optimization models

    5.1 Cross-modal training data generation

    5.2 Assessment of structural resilience

    5.3 Data processing and integration for forest fire spread prediction and supp.

    5.4 Life and assets protection models

    5.5 Algorithms for real-time search and rescue

    WP6 Visualisation tools

    6.1 Interactive visualization tools

    6.2 Tactical Planning Tools

    6.3 Recommender System for Tactical Situations

    WP7 Implementation of the pilots

    7.1 Testing methodology

    7.2 Devlopment of new operational procedures

    7.3 Authorization approvals

    7.4 Deployment of the different pilots

    7.5 Pilot evaluation

    WP8 Social, ethics and legal impact

    8.1 Legislation framework

    8.2 Ethical and societal impact assessment

    8.3 Human–Machine interaction and evaluation

    8.4 Authority certification guidelines proposal

    WP9 FR’s training programme

    9.1 Design of the training materials and requirements for VR Engine module

    9.2 Development of the HURRICANE VR training engine and FR’s living lab

    9.3 Implementation of training exercises

    WP10 Dissemination & Communication & Exploitation

    10.1 Dissemination & Communication activities

    10.2 Stakeholder engagement analysis and engagement strategy

    10.3 Exploitation roadmap – IPR Strategy

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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