Eurach Research


EDIS - CUREDI: Cultural and Religious Diversity across the European Union

    CUREDI, an initiative of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, aims at establishing a database that brings together in a standardized and searchable format data relating to cultural, religious and linguistic diversity drawn from case law, legislation and regulations, public documents and policies from across the Member States of the EU. The project focuses in particular on the legal reasoning that is followed – in a court decision, a bill, an administrative decision, etc. – and that leads either to the granting or to the rejection of a claim of recognition of minority rights.

    The team involved from the Institute for Minority Rights contributes to the project by covering the thematic field of "Recognition and registration of groups (Religious communities and national minorities)". Team members therefore identify and analyse relevant judgments and decisions on the national and sub-national level of European countries but also on the supra-national level (ECtHR, ECJ) which specifically deal with access to legal recognition for religious and linguistic minorities.

    Language use, language recognition and linguistic identity: an analysis of the disrupting dynamics of standardization through the South Tyrolean case
    Zeba M (2024)

    Conference: CUREDI Annual Conference 2024 | Halle (Saale) | 27.11.2024 - 29.11.2024

    ECtHR, Eğitim Ve Bilim Emekçileri Sendikasi v. Turkey (Application no. 20641/05) [CUREDI ID: CUREDI079TR005]
    Zeba M (2023)

    Conference: Monthly CUREDI Meeting Working with case-law templates and CUREDI updates | Halle | 13.9.2023 - 13.9.2023

    Italian Constitutional Court Judgement 159/2009 : Sentenza della Corte costituzionale n. 159/2009
    Zeba M (2023)

    Conference: Monthly CUREDI Meeting Working with case-law templates and CUREDI updates | Halle | 3.5.2023 - 3.5.2023

    Italian Constitutional Court Judgement 88/2011 : Sentenza della Corte costituzionale 88/2011
    Zeba M (2023)

    Conference: Monthly CUREDI Meeting Working with case-law templates and CUREDI updates | Halle | 3.5.2023 - 3.5.2023

    ECtHR, Kimlya and others v. Russia, Judgment of 1 October 2009, Application no 76836.01 and 32782/03 [CUREDI ID: CUREDI095RU001]
    Budabin AC (2023)

    Conference: Monthly CUREDI Meeting Working with case-law templates and CUREDI updates | Halle | 13.9.2023 - 13.9.2023

    Ancient Baltic Religious Association Romuva v. Lithuania (Application no. 48329/19) [CUREDI ID: CUREDI060LT005]
    Budabin AC (2023)

    Conference: Monthly CUREDI Meeting Working with case-law templates and CUREDI updates | Halle | 15.6.2023 - 15.6.2023

    ECtHR, United Macedonian Organisation Ilinden and Others v. Bulgaria, Judgment of 19 January 2006, Application no. 59491/00 [CUREDI ID: CUREDI095BG007]
    Budabin AC (2023)

    Conference: Monthly CUREDI Meeting Working with case-law templates and CUREDI updates | Halle | 6.12.2023 - 6.12.2023

    The Legal Recognition of Religious Communities in the Light of the Principle of Religious Pluralism
    Constantin S (2023)

    More information:

    “Tell Me Who You Harm and I Will Tell You What You Are”: Ethical Veganism as a Philosophical Belief Protected Under the British Equality Act 2010
    Constantin S (2023)

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    Spoken by People, Owned by Territories: Hybrid practices vs monolingual biases
    Zeba M (2023)

    Conference: CUREDI Annual Workshop 2023 | Halle (Saale) | 12.10.2023 - 13.10.2023

    Italian Constitutional Court Judgement 170/2010: Judgment on the approach of the Italian Constitutional Court towards the issue of protected and protectable linguistic minorities in the country
    Zeba M (2022)

    Conference: CUREDI Annual Workshop 2022 | Berlin | 11.7.2022 - 12.7.2022

    More information: ...

    Italian Constitutional Court Judgement 81/2018 : Sentenza della Corte costituzionale n. 81/2018 [CUREDI ID: CUREDI079IT001]
    Zeba M (2022)

    Conference: Monthly CUREDI Meeting Working with case-law templates and CUREDI updates | Halle | 16.5.2022 - 16.5.2022

    The evolution of access to legal recognition of religious minorities in the jurisprudence of the ECtHR

    Wonisch K, Constantin S (2021)

    Conference: CUREDI Annual Workshop 2021 | Halle/Saale | 2.12.2021 - 3.12.2021

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