Eurach Research


PNRR NEST - Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: ongoing
    • Funding:
      Public institutions (Other projects /Project)
    • Institute: Institute for Renewable Energy

    The program of the project "NEST, Network for Energy Sustainable Technologies" framed in the PE program "Green Energies for the Future" aims to connect the main laboratories and university research groups and the main national research bodies, identifying interdisciplinary skills in order to develop technologies for the conversion and use of renewable sources that should be sustainable, both from an environmental and a social point of view, and resilient for the energy production and distribution, while being less subject to the risks deriving from the current supply system of fossil fuels, basically, oil, and natural gas.

    The objectives of energy transition towards the carbon neutrality that our country aims to reach by 2050, following national and EU programs, require to follow a program of rapid reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels in the coming years with the full adoption of renewable energy sources, in civil, industrial, and transport sectors. These objectives can be achieved through a strong interaction among Universities, Research centers, and industrial system operating in the energy field through large groups as well as SMEs, start-ups and spin-offs which are all extraordinary sources of innovation. The challenges of the energy transition cannot to be faced only by the present technologies but need the development of new knowledge that stimulates the development of new technologies.
    ​​​​​​​The ambition is to build a competent Italian leadership, strongly integrated with the territory and companies and capable of supporting the future development towards sustainable and decarbonized energy production and distribution.
    ​​​​​​​The project NEST is totally interconnected with the NextgenerationEu Program, Horizon Europe Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility and, in particular, with those Italian actions of the PNRR that aim to boost the uptake of renewable energy with specific measures on several levels: investing in new green energy technologies, green hydrogen and sustainable biofuels, interoperability and smart integration in the different sectors, new, environmentally friendly materials with low carbon footprint. Within this framework the network created by NEST will act as an innovative excellence ecosystem able to promote innovation through the systematic connection of the energy research with the whole productive system. The network NEST has the primary mission to build a competent Italian leadership, consistent with existing excellence of the partners and affiliates, capable of supporting the growth of new generation of energy technologies, researchers and research infrastructures for a future sustainable and resilient energy sector.


    More information

    Website of La Fondazione NEST

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