Eurach Research

Electrification of company fleets

Eurac Research's support in studying challenges and opportunities for companies and regions towards the electrification of their fleets

    Company fleets are expected to make the largest and fastest contribution to the decarbonisation of road traffic. These fleets, with 63 million vehicles, account for 20 per cent of all European vehicles, drive more than 40% of all vehicle kilometres and produce half of all road traffic emissions.

    Their electrification is promoted by strict CO2 emission standards, as well as by the creation of many low or zero emission zones to keep polluting vehicles out of cities. Therefore, company fleets could play an important role in the transition to sustainable road traffic.

    Eurac Research's experts have been working on this issue for some time, promoting studies, data collection and comparative analyses, in order to provide concrete support to companies and enterprises wishing to embark on the road to electrification of their company fleets

    A current overview of the topic of electric mobility in Italy and South Tyrol can be found in Eurac's online dossier "Mobilità elettrica – soldi, voci che circolano e studi / Elektromobilität - Geld, Gerüchte, Studien"

    Nuove immatricolazioni veicoli elettrici con passeggeri - Italia ed Europa a confronto
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    2024Electrification of urban and regional bus fleets

    Eurac Research's support in the evaluation of a strategic transition from diesel buses to zero emission buses

    2023Elettrification of navigation

    Eurac Research's support in studying challenges and opportunities for companies and regions towards a sustainable ...

    2022Electrification of company fleets

    Eurac Research's support in studying challenges and opportunities for companies and regions towards the electrification ...

    2021Laboratory test for charging stations and vehicles

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    2020Monitoring of battery electric and H2 busses and duty vehicles

    In order to evaluate the feasibility of zero emission vehicles within the own fleet and territory, practical ...

    2020Zero emissions last mile logistics

    Interventions to reduce traffic and pollution related to the delivery of goods in the city center

    2020Positioning of charging infrastructures in cities and regions

    Since several years Eurac Research has been working on identifying the most suitable spots for positioning of charging ...

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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    What we do

    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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