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Keine Resignation! Ein Aufruf zu kollektivem Handeln

Local communication under digital transformation: challenge or opportunity?

Climate protection: Bold council advice
What do citizens' climate assemblies demonstrate? An interview with a jurist and a climate scientist

How the Bubbles We Are in Can Blind Us to Reality: A Self-Reflection

Right-wing extremism and the municipalities left behind

Young people have power in the local communities. Examples from Poland and North Macedonia

Insights on civic participation from Switzerland

UN Global Digital Compact – A vehicle for Democracy or Authoritarianism?

What is Left of Bolsonarism: The Many Faces of the Brazilian Far-Right

Independent at last: the story of Usansolo or when the rules are for sale

The Controversial Dawn: Javier Milei's First 100 Days

What effects does a participatory process have on the citizens? The case of the first Euregio citizens’ council

Do “first times” really matter? Refreshing the main contents of the 2021-22 Chilean constitutional process and draft

Environmental Conflicts – policies without means? Studying a local environmental conflict near Nantes, France

Citizens’ Juries: A Democratic Courtroom for Informed Decision-Making

Avoiding desperate measures in desperate times. Crisis Governance in Multilevel System

Pride and prejudice sui generis
Why does the topic of gender identity inflame minds? A conversation between the disciplines

The “Fake News” System
Disinformation is gradually seeping into public discourse and endangering our democracy. Elisa Piras digs deep into the media quagmire, meticulously scouring the literature and ...

Making democracy crisis-proof
What can states learn from Covid-19?

How overturning Roe v Wade may cost Republicans the midterms

Recognition: Raising Indigenous and minority voices

'Democracy is risky'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with limnologist Roberta Bottarin and constitutionalist Francesco Palermo.

'It takes as long as it takes'
Why 'parachuted' peace agreements do not stand the test of time

Per salvarci dalla crisi climatica ci serve un sovrano illuminato. O forse no.

The many faces of participation

Emocracy: an end or beginning?

“Trust means having the same values and goals, but not necessarily following the same paths.”
Roberta Bottarin, Vice Director of Eurac Research, talks about how she experienced her role during the pandemic.
La partecipazione dei giovani nei Comuni alpini: utopia o realtà?

Die Moral in der Maschine: Warum wir eine digitale Ethik brauchen

Conferenza online: Homo Digitalis

Il federalismo è un vantaggio per combattere la pandemia?
Francesco Palermo e Carolin Zwilling confrontano le esperienze di Italia e Germania.
Alto Adige 2020
Favorire l’integrazione nelle società sempre più diversificate
Eurac Research ha coordinato il rapporto OSCE ora online

“C’è stato un miglioramento, ma non perdiamo di vista l’obiettivo”