Eurach Research

mountain rescue

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What happens to the human body when an avalanche buries it?

What happens to the human body when an avalanche buries it?

Environmental variables and the Triple H Syndrome

Drone rescue in difficult terrain
video reportage

Drone rescue in difficult terrain

emergency medicine

Avalanches: percentage of survivors up by ten percent since 1994

Analysis of forty years of data shows the importance of intervention from fellow excursionists

Come si cambia dopo un incidente in montagna
emergency medicine

Come si cambia dopo un incidente in montagna

Uno studio dimostra che le persone a volte sviluppano disturbi psicologici da stress, ma possono anche uscire più forti dall’incidente

A month of ice

A month of ice

In the terraXcube's icing research tunnel, drones fly through freezing cold clouds

'I could never be sure that I would be understood'
extreme environment training

'I could never be sure that I would be understood'

Communication difficulties in extreme rescue operations

Gli incidenti alle squadre di soccorso in montagna
emergency medicine

Gli incidenti alle squadre di soccorso in montagna

Uno studio ha analizzato vent’anni di casi

Drones for science

Drones for science

Remotely piloted aircraft are changing scientific research

First aid: drones make a difference
emergency medicine

First aid: drones make a difference

First aid from above
emergency medicine

First aid from above

Eurac Research and Mountain Rescue South Tyrol test the use of drones for emergency operations in the Bletterbach Gorge

Prove di sopravvivenza sotto la neve
emergency medicine

Prove di sopravvivenza sotto la neve

Uno studio unico per contribuire alla ricerca sugli incidenti in valanga

Cervelli lucidi anche a 5.000 metri?
extreme environment training

Cervelli lucidi anche a 5.000 metri?

Uno studio nel terraXcube ha verificato le performance delle squadre di elisoccorso

mountain medicine

Soccorso estremo

Il Bergrettung Südtirol ha svolto per la prima volta un’esercitazione completamente simulata all’interno del terraXcube

'The most direct route is rarely feasible'
open science

'The most direct route is rarely feasible'

Conversations between disciplines: interview with ecologist Ulrike Tappeiner and emergency physician Hermann Brugger.

An emergency headset
emergency medicine

An emergency headset

Medical device to measure temperature and other vital parameters from the ear recently patented

emergency medicine

A lezione di pronto intervento in montagna

Research Award Alto Adige 2021 al medico ricercatore Simon Rauch
emergency medicine

Research Award Alto Adige 2021 al medico ricercatore Simon Rauch

Helicopter rescue: shorter resuscitation shifts needed at high altitudes
mountain rescue

Helicopter rescue: shorter resuscitation shifts needed at high altitudes

'Every accident in the mountains is an emergency.'
emergency medicine

'Every accident in the mountains is an emergency.'

Hermann Brugger talks about what is probably the most comprehensive standard work on rescue operations in the mountains.

Recommendations for suspension syndrome
emergency medicine

Recommendations for suspension syndrome

After testing 20 climbers, the results are in

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Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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