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A well is not enough
A case study in Angola reveals how adapting to climate change with technology alone is not enough, and that in the long run it could actually cause more harm than good.

Living rivers
How the organisms that inhabit watercourses mirror their state of health

Fighting over water
Graphic article – How the water resource of a river is used and what conflicts may arise among those who benefit from it.

Betting on cosmic rays
Technologies to protect against drought are increasing
4.000 pagine di dati meteorologici storici digitalizzati grazie a dieci scuole

A breath of snow
New satellite technology to monitor the thermal conductivity of snow

Open access answers for an emerging city
Most people haven’t heard of Phuthaditjhaba but what’s happening there can provide insights to some of the greatest challenges we are facing in terms of climate change, ...

Mountains are not islands
Graphic article - How what happens at altitude affects all ecosystems

Senza neve il rischio siccità è maggiore
Nuovo studio sulle nevicate in Trentino Alto Adige: trend negativi negli ultimi 40 anni

Earth's swan song
What are thermokarst lakes and why soil warming should worry us even more than air warming

'The most direct route is rarely feasible'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with ecologist Ulrike Tappeiner and emergency physician Hermann Brugger.

'Democracy is risky'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with limnologist Roberta Bottarin and constitutionalist Francesco Palermo.

"Closing the gap between research and policy"
Climate change adaptation strategies particularly urgent in mountain regions

The consequences of a winter with little snow are felt in summer
New web application monitors water supplies stored in the form of snow throughout the Alps

The human factor
Mathematical models for drought management would be more effective if they used social and cultural variables - how these solutions can best be integrated is the subject of current ...

Poca neve, poca pioggia e troppo caldo
Un inverno difficile per l’Alto Adige

Open Research pays off especially for small players
A conversation with limnologist Alberto Scotti

Trova le differenze
Dati satellitari dettagliatissimi hanno fotografato l’evoluzione dei ghiacciai presenti in Alto Adige e Tirolo.

The “Green deal for a sustainable future”: 2021’s European Development Days

Dati satellitari per sviluppare polizze sperimentali
Al via un progetto per tutelare gli agricoltori dai danni causati dalla siccità

Die Vermessung des Winters
Wieviel Schnee ist in einer Saison gefallen? Um wieviel sind die Schneehöhen in den letzten Jahrzehnten zurückgegangen? Die Forschung gibt immer genauere Antworten