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Istituto per lo sviluppo regionale - Space and Society - News & Events - Collective accessibility impacts of rural public transport automation (RAAV Project)

21 novembre 24

Collective accessibility impacts of rural public transport automation (RAAV Project)

New scientific publication about the collective accessibility impacts of rural public transport automation within the RAAV Project

    altCredit: Dianin Alberto | All rights reserved

    In the framework of the basic research project “RAAV: Rural Accessibility & Automated Vehicles”, the Eurac Research and TU Wien team have published a new scientific paper headed “Collective accessibility impacts of public transport automation on rural areas: the case study of Mühlwald, South Tyrol”. The paper shows the potential impacts of rural transport automation on the collective accessibility of the study area of Mühlwald, South Tyrol. Maps and graphs show the spatial distribution of accessibility gains provided by different forms of collective transport automation.

    Would you like to read the full paper? It is available in open access at this link.

    Questions? For any questions, please contact the project manager Alberto Dianin.

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