Eurach Research


Translating in the South Tyrolean Public Administration

    In March 2017, the Institute for Applied Linguistics, in cooperation with the Department for Human Resources of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, began a study on the translation practices and procedures of the provincial administration. Using social research methods and with the collaboration of the administration’s employees, the Institute shall gather information on the translation procedures used in the provincial administration. By analysing the needs and requirements of employees who, among other duties, carry out translations, this study could further develop the administration’s awareness of its translation system, shed light on ways to improve efficiency and indirectly enhance the quality of external communication.

    The project consists of an exploratory study for the first seven months and a deeper study over the following three years as part of a PhD study.

    Tradurre nel pubblico e nel privato: la voce dei traduttori non profesisonisti tra Alto Adige e Marche
    De Camillis F, Farroni C, Chiocchetti E (2024)
    Journal article
    Intralinea on line translation journal

    More information:

    Diseño de un curso de formación para traductores no profesionales en un marco institucional: la administración de Tirol del Sur
    De Camillis F (2023)

    Conference: 8º Congreso Internacional sobre Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos (TISP8/PSIT8) | Alcalá de Henares, Madrid | 22.3.2023 - 24.3.2023

    MT for NPT: ethical dilemmas in an institutional setting
    De Camillis F (2023)

    Conference: 6th International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation | Nicosia | 25.5.2023 - 27.5.2023

    A mixed-method approach for a hybrid translation context: non-professional translation in a multilingual institution
    De Camillis F (2022)

    Conference: Field Research on Translation and Interpreting| Practices, Process, Networks (FIRE-TI) | Vienna : 17.2.2022 - 19.2.2022

    More information:

    Tools for non-professional translating: current status and outlook for South Tyrol’s public employees
    De Camillis F (2021)

    Conference: Translata IV | Innsbruck | 20.9.2021 - 22.9.2021

    La traduzione non professionale nelle istituzioni pubbliche dei territori di lingua minoritaria: il caso di studio dell’amministrazione della Provincia autonoma di Bolzano
    De Camillis F (2021)
    PhD thesis

    Institutional translation practices in South Tyrol: An exploratory study on civil servants working as ‘occasional translators’
    De Camillis F (2021)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: LITP 2018 | Leuven | 20.9.2018 - 22.9.2018

    More information:

    “TradAm”: I processi traduttivi nell’amministrazione della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano; Relazione conclusiva
    De Camillis F (2021)
    Bolzano: Eurac Research

    Assessing translation practices of non-professional translators in a multilingual institutional setting
    De Camillis F (2020)
    Contribution in book
    Institutional Translation and Interpreting: Assessing Practices and Managing for Quality

    Mas allá del italiano: lenguas minoritarias en Italia y el panorama lingüístico de la Provincia de Bolzano
    De Camillis F (2019)

    Conference: Lecture held at the University of the Basque Country (Vitoria/Gasteiz) | Vitoria/Gasteiz | 25.9.2019 - 25.9.2019

    Bolzano, Barcelona, Vitoria: prácticas de traducción institucional en territorios multilingües
    De Camillis F (2019)

    Conference: VII Coloquio Lucentino | Alicante | 28.11.2019 - 29.11.2019

    I processi traduttivi nella pubblica amministrazione altoatesina
    De Camillis F (2019)

    Conference: Infoday della Rete per l’uso della lingua slovena nella PA del Friuli Venezia Giulia | Gorizia | 13.11.2019 - 13.11.2019

    Politiche traduttive nelle amministrazioni pubbliche multilingui: confronto tra Alto Adige e Svizzera
    De Camillis F, Chiocchetti E (2018)
    Journal article
    AIDAinformazioni: Rivista di Scienze dell’Informazione

    Conference: XXVIII Convegno Internazionale Ass.I.Term | Salerno, Fisciano | 17.5.2018 - 18.5.2018

    More information: ...

    Relazione finale di progetto: I processi traduttivi nell’amministrazione provinciale
    De Camillis F (2017)

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