Eurach Research


Zeit.shift – On a digital journey into yesterday's future: preserving Tyrol's cultural text heritage while making it accessible and known.



    The aim of the project is the cross-border institutional cooperation for the sustainable preservation, development and communication of the cultural text heritage of the historical region Tyrol. The example of historical newspapers are prototypically used as they are imminently threatened by decay.

    Through cross-border digitisation and communication strategies in close cooperation between the Dr. Friedrich Tessmann Library, the University and Regional Library Tyrol, and Eurac Research, these physically and regionally scattered text collections are for the first time brought together virtually in a single web platform and processed in a user-oriented manner using computer linguistic approaches. 

    A main focus of the project is the active involvement of the public, which is invited to actively participate in the text indexing through online annotations of the text material. Thus, the users are introduced to historical text sources and made familiar with their own cultural heritage.

    Zeit.shift: Driving citizens to Tyrolean historical newspapers
    Franzini G (2023)

    Conference: Seminario di Cultura Digitale | Pisa | 10.5.2023 - 10.5.2023

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    On a digital journey into yesterday’s future: Zeit.shift - preserving Tyrol’s cultural text heritage
    Walcher J, Abel A, Andresen J, Brasolin P, Dissertori I, Eberwein E, Franzini G, Gstrein S, Horwath M, Kössler C, Laner B, Lyding V, Pircher K, Stemle E (2023)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: Austrian Citizen Science Conference | Dornbirn | 28.6.2022 - 30.6.2022

    Increasing the visibility of Tyrol’s cultural heritage through historical newspapers – the triple-open approach of the Zeit.shift project
    Lyding V, Franzini G (2023)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: 9. Jahrestagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V. | Luxemburg, Trier | 13.3.2023 - 17.3.2023

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    Spielend gelöst! Ein Projekt zur Digitalisierung historischer Zeitungen erprobt Forme der Citizen Science
    Baumgartner B, Franzini G, Andresen J (2023)

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    Open Science in Practice: Lessons learnt from a citizen science project
    Franzini G (2023)

    Conference: Eurac Research Open Science in Practice Event Series | Bolzano | 15.3.2023 - 4.10.2023

    Citizen Humanities in Tyrol: A case study on historical newspapers
    Franzini G, Stemle EW, Lyding V, Abel A, Andresen J, Pircher K, Gstrein S, Laner B, Walcher J, Horwath M, Koessler C (2022)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Digital Humanities 2022 | Lecce | 1.6.2022 - 3.6.2022

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    Zeit.shift - Citizen Humanities in Tyrol: A case study on historical newspapers
    Franzini G, Brasolin P, Stemle EW, Lyding V, Abel A, Andresen J, Pircher K, Gstrein S, Laner B, Horwath M, Walcher J, Koessler C (2022)

    Conference: Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Digital Humanities 2022 | Lecce | 1.6.2022 - 3.6.2022

    Institute for Applied Linguistics @ Eurac Research - ALTO processing pipeline for NER and (newspaper) labelling
    Stemle EW (2022)

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    Ötzit! - An Ötzi-themed typing webgame
    Brasolin P (2022)

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    Are Eurac Research linguists really gaming during work hours?!
    Franzini G (2022)

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    Zeit.shift: Driving Citizens to Tyrolean Historical Newspapers
    Franzini GH, Brasolin P, Lyding V, Stemle EW, Abel A, Andresen J (2022)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: Engaging Citizen Science Conference 2022 | Aarhus | 25.4.2022 - 26.4.2022

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    All for Linguistics (All4Ling)
    Brasolin P, Franzini G, Frey JC, Lyding V, Nicolas L, Stemle EW (2021)

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    Paolo Brasolin

    Paolo Brasolin

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    Verena Ruth Hilde Lyding

    Verena Ruth Hilde Lyding

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    Verena Ruth Hilde Lyding

    Verena Ruth Hilde Lyding

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