Institute for Alpine Environment - News & Events - "Bandiera Verde" of Legambiente for Baumgart Initiative
"Bandiera Verde" of Legambiente for Baumgart Initiative
Every year Legambiente awards Green and Black Flags for very special projects. The province of South Tyrol, for example, is reprimanded for the sale of a plot of land on the Catinaccio and the extension of the Santner Pass hut. Italy's largest environmental organization, on the other hand, praises the Baumgart Initiative for the valorization of South Tyrol's orchard meadows.
As part of the "Carovana degli Alpi" campaign, every year awards are given to particularly praiseworthy and imitable projects for the preservation of the environment and the landscape, as well as to particularly encouraging initiatives in the Italian Alpine arc. For the year 2023, Legambiente awards the Baumgart initiative in South Tyrol, which was initiated by the Institute for Alpine Environment within the framework of the Luigi project. Today, nine very different organizations are behind the initiative: Amt für Natur, Bioland Südtirol, Dachverband für Natur- und Umweltschutz, Eurac Research, Heimatpflegeverband Südtirol, Roter Hahn (Südtiroler Bauernbund), Sortengarten Südtirol, Obstbaumuseum Südtirol and Laimburg Research Centre. The aim of the Baumgart Initiative is to enhance the agricultural cultural form of the orchard meadows in South Tyrol in all its facets, in terms of its cultural, culinary, aesthetic, economic and ecological value. Among other things, the Baumgart Initiative selects the most beautiful orchard meadows in the province and advises municipalities and private individuals.