Eurach Research


The Eurac Research corpus of Academic Cover Letters: Linguistic success in cover letter writing in academia and beyond

    The Eur-ACL project aims at investigating the effect of linguistic complexity on the communicative success of written texts in multilingual professional contexts. This effect will be determined by analysing different facets of linguistic complexity in a corpus of academic cover letters written in three languages (English, German and Italian), for a number of different disciplines and job positions, controlling for its potential dependency on discipline and author demographics. Particular attention will be given to the critical review of the methods with which linguistic complexity has been measured until now, eventually aiming at advancing them. This study will generate unique knowledge on the impact of language on professional success, which will eventually serve the creation of training materials for young professionals.

    The Devil Is in the Datails: When Data Management Goes Wrong
    Bienati A, Pannitto L (2024)

    Conference: PhD CLUB (Centro Linguistico dell'Università di Bologna) | Bologna | 17.4.2024 - 17.7.2024

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    Data donations: Why should I donate my cover letter to research?
    Bienati A (2024)

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    Between order and disorder: An information-theoretic approach to linguistic complexity
    Brasolin P, Bienati A (2024)

    Conference: EuroSLA 33, the 33rd Conference of the European Second Language Association | Montpellier | 3.7.2024 - 6.7.2024

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    Complexity or complexities? A simulation study on lexical complexity in expert and learner texts through the lens of information theory
    Brasolin P, Bienati A (2024)

    Conference: 7th International Conference for Learner Corpus Research (LCR) | Tartu | 26.9.2024 - 28.9.2024

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    Il potere in parole povere: Un'analisi diacronica corpus-based sulla semplificazione dell'italiano politico repubblicano
    Bienati A, Brasolin P, Cominetti F (2024)

    Conference: LVII Congresso internazionale della Società di Linguistica Italiana | Catania | 19.9.2024 - 21.9.2024

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    Between order and disorder: An ecological view of lexical complexity measures
    Bienati A, Brasolin P (2023)

    Conference: PHRAME| Phraseological Complexity Measures in Learner Italian (closing event) | Perugia : 27.11.2023 - 28.11.2023

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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