Eurach Research


Multilingualism in Social Media Profiles of South Tyrol

    The aim of the project was to identify and investigate factors of language choice and code-switching on South Tyrolean social media profiles. It used the previously assembled DiDi corpus of Facebook conversations to analyse the written forms of everyday language in South Tyrol. The project analysed the use of different languages as well as different varieties of German.

    Using Data Mining to Repurpose German Language Corpora. An evaluation of data-driven analysis methods for corpus linguistics
    Frey J (2020)
    PhD thesis

    Comparison of Automatic vs. Manual Language Identification in Multilingual Social Media Texts
    Frey JC, Stemle E, Doğruöz AS (2019)
    Contribution in book
    Building computer-mediated communication corpora for socio-linguistic analysis

    Der plurilinguale Sprecher in Facebook. Neue Medien und Pluriliteracy in Südtirol
    Frey JC (2018)

    Conference: 4th LRI Workshop for young academics "Language Policy - Language Use - Language Standard" | Meran | 7.6.2018 - 8.6.2018

    Becoming a multilingual speaker. New Media and pluriliteracy in South Tyrol
    Frey JC (2018)

    Conference: Round table "Social Net(work)s in Education and Language Sciences" | Heidelberg | 15.6.2018 - 15.6.2018

    Pluriliteracy on Social Media. The Multilingual Practices of South Tyroleans on Facebook
    Frey JC (2018)

    Conference: Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts | Dublin | 2.2.2018 - 4.2.2018

    Dialekt als Norm? Zum Sprachgebrauch Südtiroler Jugendlicher auf Facebook
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC (2018)
    Contribution in book
    Jugendsprachen/Youth Languages: Aktuelle Perspektiven internationaler Forschung/Current Perspectives of International Research

    Mehrsprachigkeit auf Südtirols Social-Media-Profilen
    Frey J (2016)

    Conference: Work in Progress Linguistics Colloquium Eurac Research/Free University of Bolzano | Bozen | 11.6.2015 - 11.6.2015

    The DiDi Corpus of South Tyrolean CMC Data: A multilingual corpus of Facebook texts
    Frey J, Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2016)

    Conference: Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CliC-it 2016) | Naples | 5.12.2016 - 6.12.2016

    DiDi: A multilingual corpus of non-public South Tyrolean computer-mediated communication
    Frey J (2016)

    Conference: UCREL Summer School in corpus-based NLP | | 10.7.2016 - 15.7.2016

    The DiDi Corpus of South Tyrolean CMC Data: A multilingual corpus of Facebook texts
    Frey J, Glaznieks A, Stemle EW (2016)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CliC-it 2016) | Naples | 5.12.2016 - 6.12.2016

    More information:

    "Bitte deutsch schreiben!" Multilingual and diglossic - a linguistic description of South Tyrolean Facebook users
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC (2015)

    Conference: Multilingualism in the Digital Age | Reading | 19.6.2015 - 19.6.2015

    Our partners
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    • University of Bologna, Department of Interpretation and Translation in Forlì

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