Talking About Language and EmotionS at Home
- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Institute: Institute for Applied Linguistics
TALES@Home addresses non-formal language learning in the multilingual families concentrating on their motivations and beliefs about language. By means of an interactive App, the project aims to empower families to manage their language use at home and to create a positive and stimulating language learning environment.
Colombo S (2024)
Conference: 8th Conference on Migration Research in Austria / 8. Jahrestagung zur Migrationsforschung in Österreich (ÖAW) | Innsbruck | 18.9.2024 - 20.9.2024
More information: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/jahrestagung-migrationsforschung2024
Stopfner M, Colombo S (2023)
More information: https://www.eurac.edu/en/institutes-centers/research-across- ...
Ritter A, Stopfner M, Colombo S (2023)
Conference: Webinar series "Diversity Matters" 2023-2024 | online | 2.10.2023 - 30.6.2024
Vettori C, Colombo S, Abel A (2021)
Journal article
Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht
More information: https://ojs.tujournals.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/index.php/zif/art ...
Colombo S, Ritter A, Stopfner M (2020)
Journal article
Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht
More information: https://tujournals.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/index.php/zif/article ...
Colombo S (2019)
Conference: The Big Picture| Repertori Linguistici – Mehrsprachigkeit mal anders | Bolzano/Bozen : 16.5.2019 - 17.5.2019
Colombo S, Stopfner M (2019)
Conference: Congresso AItLA 2019 | Cagliari | 21.2.2019 - 23.2.2019
Engel D, Colombo S, Stopfner M, de Smedt H (2018)
Conference: ELE 2018 | Stockholm | 18.6.2018 - 20.6.2018
Colombo S, Stopfner M (2018)
Conference: Talking About Language and Emotions at Home| Empowering Multilingual Families | Brussels : 8.5.2018 - 9.5.2018
Colombo S, Stopfner M (2018)
Conference: 4th LRI Workshop for young academics "Language Policy - Language Use - Language Standard" | Meran | 7.6.2018 - 8.6.2018
Colombo S, Stopfner M (2018)
Contribution in book
Formen der Mehrsprachigkeit: Sprachen und Varietäten in sekundären und tertiären Bildungskontexten