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Institute for Biomedicine - ELSI - News & Events - New World Health Organization (WHO) publication on genomics

03 September 24

New World Health Organization (WHO) publication on genomics

New World Health Organization (WHO) publication on genomics

  • English

The Science Council of the World Health Organization (WHO) has just published its first report outlining a comprehensive roadmap to accelerate access to genomic applications worldwide. This groundbreaking report focuses on four key themes: Promotion, Implementation, Collaboration and Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI).

To ensure the success of this initiative, WHO has established the Technical Advisory Group on Genomics (TAG-G), comprising experts from different disciplines and regions, of which our researcher Mascalzoni Deborah is a member. It's helping to advance the use of genomic technologies in clinical practice and research, ultimately improving the health of individuals and populations worldwide.

Key highlights from the publication: Advocacy for Genomics: Tailored communication efforts targeting governments, decision-makers, funders, the general public, and other stakeholders. Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI): Development of WHO principles for human genome data access, use, and sharing. These principles aim to promote ethical, legal, and equitable use of genomic data, fostering trust and public value.

The WHO Genomics Programme is committed to addressing the inequitable use of human genomic applications and extending their reach to underserved communities worldwide.

You can read the full article here:

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