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Institute for Biomedicine - ELSI - News & Events - The project SCIBIOEU at the Europe Biobank Week 2024 conference

28 May 24

The project SCIBIOEU at the Europe Biobank Week 2024 conference

    The partners of the ERASMUS+ KA2 funded project “SCIence outreach: the example of BIObanks in EUrope” had the opportunity to present the results and the current progress of the project in the prestigious Europe Biobank Week 2024 conference that took place in the Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria from the 14th to the 17th of May, 2024.

    While initially accepted as a poster presentation, the conference organizers presented the opportunity to make an additional oral presentation. The 10-minute oral presentation was performed on the 15th of May during the “T3 – Training and education for quality improvement and knowledge generation” session. A link to the recorded presentation is available here:

    The SCIBIOEU poster, “P4: Biobanking education: the project “SCIence outreach: The example of BIObanks in Europe” and its progression so far”, was presented during the second Poster Session that took place on the 16th of May. Many of the participants, who were present in both presentations, showed interest in the current results of the project. The Europe Biobank Week 2024 conference was an amazing opportunity, not only for the promotion of the project, but also for receiving valuable feedback towards shaping the projects final products. Finally, it was a great chance for the SCIBIOEU partners of different countries to meet-up in person and discuss the project progression and next steps.

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