Eurach Research


Machine Translation at South Tyrolean Institutions (pilot study)

    In this project, we aim to conduct a preliminary study on machine translation (MT) at South Tyrolean institutions. Local institutions generally do not employ customized machine translation software, but they have high translation demands, to some extent repetitive and structured texts and specific needs related to the local variety of German. Customized MT could therefore represent an improvement into their translation process, especially because free online MT systems already belong to their tool-box.

    Against this background, our first aim is to build aligned parallel corpora with local institutional documents to feed an MT engine at a later stage. To do so, we need a great amount of parallel segments, ideally several hundred thousand up to millions. In order to build the corpora, we seek already aligned texts (i.e. translation memories) from the institutions or collect and align them afterwards. In both cases, we contact the institutions and pursue a collaboration.

    Secondly, we aim to evaluate the performance of one customized MT software when translating local institutional texts. To do so, we will pursue both an automatic and a manual quality assessment. State-of-the-art automatic scores, such as BLEU, chrF and TER give a preliminary overview on the quality of the machine translation. However, a fine-grained in-depth manual analysis of the mistakes sheds much more light on the weaknesses of the selected system. For this reason, we plan to annotate a corpus of machine translated decrees from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano as for their accuracy and fluency mistakes, e.g. mistranslations, omissions, punctuation and gender mistakes.

    At the end of this experimental study, we supposedly will have gained the necessary preliminary knowledge to define a proper research project on machine translation for South Tyrolean institutions, which we aim to submit to international funding programs (e.g. Interreg).

    Utilizzare la traduzione automatica in modo responsabile
    De Camillis F (2024)

    Conference: corso e-learning "Utilizzare la traduzione automatica in modo responsabile" / E-Learning-Kurs "Verantwortungsbewusster Umgang mit Maschineller Übersetzung" | Bolzano | 10.1.2024 - 9.1.2026

    Verantwortungsbewusster Umgang mit Maschineller Übersetzung
    Chiocchetti E, De Camillis F (2024)

    Conference: corso e-learning "Utilizzare la traduzione automatica in modo responsabile" / E-Learning-Kurs "Verantwortungsbewusster Umgang mit Maschineller Übersetzung" | Bolzano | 10.1.2024 - 9.1.2026

    Fondamenti di traduzione: trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen (II)
    Chiocchetti E, Ralli N (2024)

    Conference: Fondamenti di traduzione| trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen (II) | Bolzano : 19.2.2024 - 28.2.2024

    Fondamenti di traduzione: trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen (I)
    Chiocchetti E, Ralli N (2024)

    Conference: Fondamenti di traduzione| trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen (I) | Bolzano : 22.1.2024 - 1.3.2024

    Terminology evaluation in machine translated decrees. A case study on a lower-resourced variety of German
    Chiocchetti E (2024)

    Conference: 4th International Conference "Terminology - Heritage and Modernity" | Tbilisi | 27.6.2024 - 28.6.2024

    More information: ...

    Übersetzen von Rechts- und Verwaltungstexten in eine Minderheiten-Varietät des Deutschen mit ChatGPT
    Alber M, Chiocchetti E (2024)

    Conference: MiLES - Minority Languages in European Societies. Documenting, safeguarding, planning | Torino/ Forte di Bard (AO) | 3.7.2024 - 6.7.2024

    Machine-translating legal language: error analysis on an Italian-German corpus of decrees
    De Camillis F, Chiocchetti E (2024)
    Journal article
    Terminology science & research

    More information:

    Diseño de un curso de formación para traductores no profesionales en un marco institucional: la administración de Tirol del Sur
    De Camillis F (2023)

    Conference: 8º Congreso Internacional sobre Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos (TISP8/PSIT8) | Alcalá de Henares, Madrid | 22.3.2023 - 24.3.2023

    Fondamenti di traduzione: trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen
    Chiocchetti E, Ralli N (2023)

    Conference: Fondamenti di traduzione| trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen | Bolzano : 2.2.2023 - 9.2.2023

    Fondamenti di traduzione: trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen 2
    Chiocchetti E, Ralli N (2023)

    Conference: Fondamenti di traduzione| trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen 2 | Bressanone/Brixen : 4.4.2023 - 13.4.2023

    Entre ámbito y variedad: peculiaridades de un corpus de decretos traducidos automáticamente
    De Camillis F, Chiocchetti E (2023)

    Conference: 14th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2023) | Oviedo | 10.5.2023 - 12.5.2023

    Fondamenti di traduzione: trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen 3
    Chiocchetti E, Ralli N (2023)

    Conference: Fondamenti di traduzione| trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen 3 | Bolzano : 4.5.2023 - 11.5.2023

    [Doppione] Webinar: "A che cosa serve l’8 marzo? Donne, dinamiche, diritti oggi"
    Tomaselli A, Chiocchetti E, Crepaz K, Piras E, Taponecco F (2023)
    Other contribution
    Fondamenti di traduzione: trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen 4
    Chiocchetti E, Ralli N (2023)

    Conference: Fondamenti di traduzione| trucchi e consigli pratici / Tipps & Tricks beim Übersetzen 4 | Bolzano : 7.9.2023 - 14.9.2023

    The MT@BZ corpus: machine translation & legal language
    De Camillis F, Stemle E, Chiocchetti E, Fernicola F (2023)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: EAMT 2023 (The 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation) | Tampere | 12.6.2023 - 15.6.2023

    More information: ...

    Domain-adapting and evaluating machine translation for institutional German in South Tyrol
    Contarino AG, De Camillis F (2023)
    Contribution in book
    Corpus use in cross-linguistic research: paving the way for teaching, translation and professional communication

    Conference: PaCor 2021 | Vitoria-Gasteiz | 23.6.2021 - 25.6.2021

    More information:

    MT@BZ translation corpus v1.0
    De Camillis F, Chiocchetti E, Stemle EW (2023)

    More information:

    The MT@BZ corpus: machine translation & legal language
    De Camillis F, Stemle E, Chiocchetti E, Fernicola F (2023)

    Conference: EAMT 2023 (The 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation) | Tampere | 12.6.2023 - 15.6.2023

    More information: ...

    How we address research questions and survive as researchers
    Chiocchetti E, De Camillis F (2022)

    Conference: Profession-Based Research course, University of Bolgna/Forlì | Forlì | 11.4.2022 - 11.4.2022

    Adapting machine translation for under-resourced languages: a first attempt for institutional German in South Tyrol
    De Camillis F, Contarino AG (2021)

    Conference: PaCor 2021 | Vitoria-Gasteiz | 23.6.2021 - 25.6.2021

    Anpassungsbedarf aus der Sicht einer etwas besonderen Nutzergruppe
    Chiocchetti E (2019)

    Conference: Workshop NMT-Diagnose | Hildesheim | 12.12.2019 - 12.12.2019

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