digital transformation
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Local communication under digital transformation: challenge or opportunity?

“Roma tende ad accentrare le decisioni”
Quanta autonomia digitale ha l’Alto Adige?

One way or another: How local governments go digital

UN Global Digital Compact – A vehicle for Democracy or Authoritarianism?

The Digitalization process in Italy: the impact on Regional Autonomy

myCIVIS: lokales eGovernment im Spannungsfeld nationaler Systeme

'Europe needs an innovation shift, now!'
EARTO - the European Association of Research and Technology Organizations held their annual convention in Italy for the first time.

"Digitalization is a social learning process"
Conversations between disciplines: interview with science journalist Sigrid Hechensteiner and IT expert Dietmar Laner.

"It had to be built from scratch"
Conversations between disciplines: interview with librarian Antje Messerschmidt and event manager Pier Paolo Mariotti.

'We owe it to the global community'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with lawyer Marc Röggla and Asia expert Günther Cologna.

The Future of European SMEs: Seven strategic axes for the re-globalization phase

Un brevetto per tracciare l’attrezzatura da lavoro di artigiani e imprese
Il prototipo aiuta a evitare smarrimenti e furti della strumentazione

Never a better time for open science

Conferenza online: Homo Digitalis

Cooperatives reloaded. Let’s own the digital world!

Wie funktioniert die Immuni-App?

![[IT] La Web Tax italiana]([format,compress]&cs=origin&dpr=1)
[IT] La Web Tax italiana

App per le confessioni e messe in streaming: la religione 2.0 ai tempi della Covid-19

Una rete ad ampio raggio per il NOI Techpark

"Siamo di fronte a un bivio" – Intervista al presidente di Confartigianato Imprese Veneto

Soziale Distanz - Digitale Nähe

EU politics on Twitter. Which role for the EU digital influencers?

La tecnologia a supporto del trasporto merci: tra innovazione ed efficienza

Digitaler Wandel und Tourismus: Mut zum Nicht-Perfekten