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Atherosclerosis through a new lens
How ancient human remains reveal the ratio of atherosclerosis is a perpetual constant

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act – An Intelligent Piece of Legislation?

Meeting C. elegans
How a tiny, wriggling worm is enabling discoveries into the mechanisms of Parkinson’s Disease.

E-health: obligation or opportunity?

Free of symptoms but not of fears
Incomplete penetrance in genetic diseases and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

The Netherlands’ Pandemic Response Was Driven By Assumptions, Not Science

Achieving better health through participation
Political and health scientist and Katharina Crepaz studied the influence of social participation on health. Her thesis on scientific qualification for teaching received an award ...

Solidaristic inclusion through healthcare

Optimists suffer less
How affective temperaments affect pain perception

"The biggest challenge is the overabundance of information"
Conversations between disciplines: interview with neurologist Peter Pramstaller and electronic engineer Roberto Monsorno.

Cardiac arrest: investigating causes
A heart disease common in young people is being researched at the cellular level

Riprogrammazione efficace delle cellule tumorali
Uno studio dimostra l'efficacia di una molecola contro il leiomiosarcoma - l'aggressivo cancro dei tessuti molli - e identifica alcuni geni che permettono una prognosi migliore

Houston, we have a (heart) problem
Our researchers tested an automated heart massager to measure its efficacy on space missions

We may have already seen the healthiest generations

Dolore cronico
Cosa è, quanto è diffuso e come lo studiamo

Aria di casa
Gli inquinanti dell’aria più comuni e i sistemi per ridurre il rischio di esposizione in un video

"Shifting focus from disease to human health"
Synergy between Eurac Research and Human Technopole of Milan gives new life to health research in Italy

Patente Lösung
Weil es das Gerät, das sie für eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung brauchten, nicht gab, bauten zwei Forscher es kurzerhand selber. Und eröffneten damit ein neues Forschungsfeld.

Covid-19: links between genes and disease severity
Bolzano research centre among institutions involved in a study to reveal human genome locations associated with Covid-19 severity

Never a better time for open science

Den Geheimnissen von Parkinson auf der Spur
Wie Neurowissenschaft und Genforschung neue Erkenntnisse über gestörte Zellfunktionen gewinnen

Parkinson-Kranke leiden in der Pandemie besonders
Ein Gespräch mit der Neurologin Susanne Büchner, Leiterin der Parkinson-Ambulanz Bozen

Dossier Parkinson
Diagnosi, cure e la ricerca in Alto Adige
Parkinson Research: Important Protective Protein Discovered

Modelli di cellule 3D per studiare meglio il Parkinson
Il nuovo sistema semplifica il confronto tra cellule di persone sane e malate

Per curarle, ricerca e clinica lavorano insieme
Alto Adige 2020

The condition of refugees in the pandemic era - Four questions for Susan Abulhawa

Pandemie der falschen Experten

„Mit unserer Forschung unterstützen wir Bürgermeister und Hausärzte beim Neustart“

Covid-19 in Kurdistan: A Small Fish in a Big Pond

Die Macht der Diskurse und der Kultur: Ein Interview mit Hartmut Schröder

Peeling back the curtain of Covid-19 in Latin America

Wie funktioniert die Immuni-App?

From Botswana to Bolzano, meet Eurac Research’s Flying Dutchman

#IoRestoInMontagna - Diario collettivo dalla montagna

Entry denied: the danger of exclusion

Covid-19 in Latin America: if the virus doesn’t kill us, hunger will

Time to reboot: technology won’t save us

We’re all in this together! But should we be? Intergenerational ties and Covid-19

From Russia with love: Is Covid-19 shaping the EU and Russia’s future relations? An interview with Elena Alekseenkova