Eurach Research


Written language online in everyday life

    Based on previous projects (cf. DiDi, MIT.Qualität), the project DigitAll will continue with linguistic analysis of South-Tyrolian written language use in digital media.

    In addition to the established digital media corpora (DiDi, StirWaC), further analyses will take into account the whole range of digital media considering both monologic and dialogic texts. The main focus of the analyses will be on the following aspects:

    • writing in standard and non-standard varieties
    • plurilingual writing
    • multimodality of texts
    • automatic language processing of non-standard texts
    Verschriftungsprinzipien im geschriebenen Dialekt: WhatsApp-Nachrichten aus Südtirol
    Alber B, Frey J-C, Glaznieks A, Glück A, Kokkelmans J (2024)
    Journal article
    Linguistik Online

    Kann man im Dialekt schreiben, wie man will?
    Glaznieks A (2023)

    More information: ...

    Dialektale Sprachrealitäten über CMC-Korpora erleben: Das DiDi-Korpus zur internetbasierten Kommunikation aus Südtirol im DaZ-Unterricht
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC (2023)
    Journal article
    Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache

    Syntactic variation and interactional coherence in online communication: The German conjunction "weil" in written interactions
    Glaznieks A (2022)
    Journal article
    Psychology of Language and Communication

    CMC data in cross-modal comparison
    Frey JC, Glaznieks A (2022)

    Conference: 9th Conference on Computer-mediated Communication (CMC) and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora19) | Santiago de Compostela | 28.9.2022 - 29.9.2022

    Identifying dialect writings in written online communication: New data-driven approaches
    Frey JC, Glaznieks A, Glück A (2021)

    Conference: Corpus Linguistics Conference CL2021 | Limerick | 13.7.2021 - 16.7.2021

    The role of conjunctions and syntactic variation for interactional coherence in German online communication: Insights from CMC corpora
    Glaznieks A (2021)

    Conference: Corpus Linguistics Conference CL2021 | Limerick | 13.7.2021 - 16.7.2021

    Syntactic Variation and Interactional Coherence in Online Communication: The German Conjunction "weil" in Written Interactions
    Glaznieks A (2021)

    Conference: 8th CMC Corpora Conference | Nijmegen | 28.10.2021 - 29.10.2021

    The FAIR Index of CMC Corpora
    Frey JC, König A, Stemle E, Falaise A, Fišer D, Lüngen H (2020)
    Contribution in book
    CMC Corpora through the prism of digital humanities

    More information: ...

    How FAIR are CMC Corpora?
    König A, Frey JC, Stemle EW (2019)

    Conference: 7th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora19) | Cergy-Pontoise | 9.9.2019 - 10.9.2019

    How FAIR are CMC corpora?
    Frey JC, König A, Stemle E (2019)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: 7th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora19) | Cergy-Pontoise | 9.9.2019 - 10.9.2019

    More information: ...

    Using social network analysis tools for the exploration of linguistic dialect spelling variants
    Stawinoga E, Frey JC (2019)

    Conference: Seventh International Workshop on Social Network Analysis (ARS'19), "Multilayer, Multilevel and Multimode Networks” | Salerno | 29.10.2019 - 31.10.2019

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