Eurach Research


KOLIPSI II: South-Tyrolean pupils and the second language: a linguistic and socio-psychological investigation

    The aim of the project KOLIPSI II is to analyse the second language competence of South-Tyrolean pupils and to contextualize the results of such investigation by commenting on crucial sociolinguistic and psychosocial aspects that influence it. The results will be compared with those collected in the previous Kolipsi project (school year 2007/2008) in order to measure eventual changes and developments.

    Scientific Output


    KOLIPSI II: gli studenti altoatesini e la seconda lingua ; indagine linguistica e psicosociale = KOLIPSI II: die Südtiroler SchülerInnen und die Zweitsprache ; eine linguistische und sozialpsychologische Untersuchung

    Link to Institutional Archive

    The Kolipsi Corpus Family: Resources for Learner Corpus Research in Italian and German
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC, Abel A, Nicolas L, Vettori C (2023)
    Journal article
    Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics

    More information:

    Esperienze CLIL in Alto Adige: primo bilancio e considerazioni
    Vettori C (2021)
    Journal article
    Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata

    Multilingualism in South Tyrol: between old fears and new challenges
    Vettori C, Colombo S, Abel A (2021)
    Journal article
    Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht

    More information: ...

    La scuola come unico contesto di apprendimento della seconda lingua? Il caso dell’Alto Adige
    Vettori C, Abel A (2021)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: XX Congresso Internazionale AItLA | Siena | 20.2.2020 - 22.2.2020

    More information:

    La scuola come unico contesto di apprendimento della seconda lingua? Il caso dell’Alto Adige
    Vettori C, Abel A (2020)

    Conference: XX Congresso Internazionale AItLA | Siena | 20.2.2020 - 22.2.2020

    Esperienze CLIL in Alto Adige fra esigenze locali e aspirazioni internazionali: Dati, analisi, riflessioni
    Vettori C (2017)

    Conference: IV Congresso DILLE “La didattica delle lingue nel nuovo millennio| le sfide dell’internazionalizzazione” | Venezia : 2.2.2017 - 4.2.2017

    Ergebnisse der KOLIPSI-Studie
    Abel A (2017)
    Zweitsprachkompetenzen unter der Lupe: Kolipsi-Studie II. Zweite Sprache - schwere Sprache
    Abel A (2017)
    Journal article
    INFO - Informationsschrift für Kindergarten und Schule

    More information: ...

    KOLIPSI II: gli studenti altoatesini e la seconda lingua ; indagine linguistica e psicosociale = KOLIPSI II: die Südtiroler SchülerInnen und die Zweitsprache ; eine linguistische und sozialpsychologische Untersuchung
    Vettori C, Abel A (2017)
    Bolzano: Eurac research
    Edited book

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