KOLIPSI II: South-Tyrolean pupils and the second language: a linguistic and socio-psychological investigation
- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Institute: Institute for Applied Linguistics
Scientific Output
KOLIPSI II: gli studenti altoatesini e la seconda lingua ; indagine linguistica e psicosociale = KOLIPSI II: die Südtiroler SchülerInnen und die Zweitsprache ; eine linguistische und sozialpsychologische Untersuchung
Glaznieks A, Frey JC, Abel A, Nicolas L, Vettori C (2023)
Journal article
Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics
More information: https://journals.openedition.org/ijcol/1210
Vettori C (2021)
Journal article
Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata
Vettori C, Colombo S, Abel A (2021)
Journal article
Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht
More information: https://ojs.tujournals.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/index.php/zif/art ...
Vettori C, Abel A (2021)
Conference proceedings article
Conference: XX Congresso Internazionale AItLA | Siena | 20.2.2020 - 22.2.2020
More information: http://www.aitla.it/images/pdf/eBookAItLA_13.pdf
Vettori C, Abel A (2020)
Conference: XX Congresso Internazionale AItLA | Siena | 20.2.2020 - 22.2.2020
Vettori C (2017)
Conference: IV Congresso DILLE “La didattica delle lingue nel nuovo millennio| le sfide dell’internazionalizzazione” | Venezia : 2.2.2017 - 4.2.2017
Abel A (2017)
Abel A (2017)
Journal article
INFO - Informationsschrift für Kindergarten und Schule
More information: http://www.schule.suedtirol.it/Lasis/documents/info/2017_18/ ...
Vettori C, Abel A (2017)
Bolzano: Eurac research
Edited book