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Institute for Biomedicine - News & Events - Sunday 11 April, World Parkinson's Day

08 April 21

Sunday 11 April, World Parkinson's Day

The most up-to-date results in a dossier in collaboration with our researchers

    Parkinson's is a neurodegenerative disease that is more frequent among people over 60 and is therefore destined to become increasingly common due to the aging of Western societies. Even in South Tyrol, about one in every 60-year-old person suffers from it. Men are more affected, with a ratio of 2:1 to women. The disease was first described in detail at the beginning of the nineteenth century, but today there is still no cure to stop its advance. Research is focusing on the mechanisms by which the disease develops, in order to diagnose it as early as possible.

    Geneticist Irene Pichler and neuroscientist Mattia Volta present the most up-to-date results in a dossier published in Eurac Research's online magazine and featuring video animation, images and an interactive timeline.

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