Institutes & Centers

Institute for Biomedicine - News & Events - General Director for Research and Innovation in Healthcare visited our Laboratory

19 January 23

General Director for Research and Innovation in Healthcare visited our Laboratory

Meeting organized by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and the South Tyrolean Health Authority.

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© Provincia Bolzano-Provinz Bozen - Karin Leiter

© Provincia Bolzano-Provinz Bozen - Karin Leiter

© Provincia Bolzano-Provinz Bozen - Karin Leiter

Yesterday we welcomed Giuseppe Ippolito: General Director for Research and Innovation in Healthcare at the Ministry of Health. He visited our new laboratories at the NOI Techpark, meeting our researchers with a group of leaders from Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Autonome Provinz Bozen and Südtiroler Sanitätsbetrieb - Azienda Sanitaria dell'Alto Adige.

An opportunity to know Eurac Research and biomedical research in South Tyrol.

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