Eurach Research
16 January 23

Job opportunities

We're starting 2023 with new job positions: we are looking for a Researcher and a PhD Student

    Researcher in Neuronal cell biology and physiology

    The Institute for Biomedicine at Eurac Research in Bolzano/Bozen is conducting research in the fields of biomedicine, with a focus on neurodegeneration and cardiovascular medicine, integrating genetics and epidemiology data with functional characterization of molecular disease mechanisms with the view to clinical application of research findings.

    The Team of Molecular Neurodegeneration investigates cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative and neurological disorders). In 2021 we initiated a project, funded by the Euregio Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino, on the study of neurobiological consequences of Covid-19, with the ultimate aim of identifying molecular targets to treat the neurological symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection (termed “Neurocovid”). The project is in collaboration with the Medical University of Innsbruck and the Health Service of Trento, for access to patient data.

    This position will focus on the differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into cortical neurons, their treatment with Covid-19-relevant material and the investigation of the effects at the neurobiological and neurophysiological levels.

    How to apply: Interested candidates should submit their application (CV, cover letter and further relevant documents) by 27 January 2023.

    PhD Student for the HUMAN_DN Project DC7: Computational methods facilitating handling, processing and annotation of metabolomics data and evaluation of variances in blood microsample-based raw MS data

    The PhD student will be involved in the development of a software infrastructure for efficient, potential remote, access to large-scale raw MS data, as well as of computational methods facilitating handling, processing and annotation of metabolomics data in a reproducible manner. Integration with existing solutions (such as developed in DC6 and DC8) is a key aspect of the project. In addition, the student will define reproducible analysis workflows and will contribute to the analysis of the blood microsampling-based metabolomics data generated by the consortium.

    Eurac Research offers a 3-year PhD position within the HUMAN doctoral network funded under the Horizon2021 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) (ID: 101073062). The student will be enrolled in the PhD program of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) but is hired by and is expected to work mainly at the Institute for Biomedicine (IfB) of Eurac Research in Bolzano, Italy. The IfB is home to an international and interdisciplinary team of scientists and students integrated in an excellent network of national and international partners. Living and working in Bozen/Bolzano allows to experience a unique combination of alpine and Mediterranean culture right at the heart of one of the most exciting mountain regions in Europe.

    The project will involve international and intersectorial secondments/visits to other project partners in the network for the doctoral candidates to learn new skills and foster collaborations. For more information see

    How to apply: Interested candidates should submit their application (CV, cover letter and further relevant documents) by 31 March 2023.

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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