Institute for Biomedicine - News & Events - Genetic Epidemiology of Kidney Function and Chronic Kidney Disease
Genetic Epidemiology of Kidney Function and Chronic Kidney Disease
Online Summer School 12-16 July 2021
- Date: 12-16.07.2021
- Place: Zoom
- Typology: Online Summer School
- Info:

The Summer School is an international programme to share recent advances in the genetic epidemiology of kidney function and chronic kidney disease. The school is aimed at PhD students and Postdocs in biomedical disciplines who want to learn about up-to-date methods for identifying genetic determinants of kidney function and learn about the latest results.
The underlying educational theme will be the genetic epidemiology of complex diseases, among which CKD plays a particular role: widespread and largely silent in ~10% of the world’s adult population, CKD is one of the diseases that has seen the fastest increase in related mortality over the last decade. Unfortunately, treatment options for its prevention or to slow its progression are still scarce. For this reason, the identification of associated genes is an important step for identifying possible avenues for the development of novel therapies.
The school is being developed as part of the TrainCKDis network (Multidisciplinary Training in Chronic Kidney Disease: from genetic modifiers to drug discovery; a European innovative, multidisciplinary, and intersectoral training programme to prepare the next generation of top-level scientists to develop creative solutions for transforming CKD research. The TrainCKDis is funded under the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Innovative Training Network (H2020 MSCA-ITN-2019).
The Summer School will be held in English.
More information about programme and Scientific committee available on the Summer School website