Institute for Biomedicine - News & Events - Two new job positions
Two new job positions
"Post-Doc Researcher with the ELSI group focusing on legal-ethical aspects of Biomedical Research" and "Biomedical laboratory technician (Bolzano / Merano)"
Post-Doc Researcher with the ELSI group focusing on legal-ethical aspects of Biomedical Research
For our ELSI group we are seeking a highly motivated team member to join the team for further developing, implementing, and applying the existing legal-ethical framework and governance of the Institute.
The new team member will conduct research in the ELSI field and collaborate with the team with the development and implementation of policies for biobanking, data access and use and other ELSI aspects of the evolving research landscape.
Deadline: 31 July 2022
More information and to apply:
Biomedical laboratory technician (Bolzano / Merano)
The technician will be an active part of the team that is taking care of all the processes relative to the biobanks and the sample collections of the Institute for Biomedicine. The position will be allocated at the two sites at the hospitals of Merano/Meran and Bolzano/Bozen, where the biobanks and relative laboratories are established.
Deadline: 21 August 2022
More information and to apply: