all tags“Solo uno su 20 sa di avere una malattia cronica ai reni”

Our kidneys and us
A research team investigates how nutrition can help prevent chronic kidney disease – a widespread but under-diagnosed condition.

Things to know before participating in a medical study
Biobanks, privacy and ethical research

What smoking does to oral bacteria
A study shows the effects of cigarette use and what happens when you stop.

Meeting C. elegans
How a tiny, wriggling worm is enabling discoveries into the mechanisms of Parkinson’s Disease.

So, what’s a biobank actually for?
The most obvious answer is to preserve biological samples, but there’s much more to it than that.
Parkinson’s research: new approaches for early detection
For the first time, markers have been identified at the cellular level that indicate mitochondrial defects even in the absence of physical symptoms

Filtering data on kidney function
A look at kidney function biomarkers and associated cardiovascular risk with Epidemiologist Ryosuke Fujii

Free of symptoms but not of fears
Incomplete penetrance in genetic diseases and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

Risk factors for Parkinson’s disease: progress in research
A study proves the protective function of the RIT2 gene

The beauty of structure
A neuroscientist explains fascinating advances in microscopy.

Sense of smell as an early warning system for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
Interview with neuroscientist Johannes Frasnelli

Una ricercatrice e un disegnatore raccontano il dolore in un fumetto

Optimists suffer less
How affective temperaments affect pain perception

Molecule identified that could counteract arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

"The biggest challenge is the overabundance of information"
Conversations between disciplines: interview with neurologist Peter Pramstaller and electronic engineer Roberto Monsorno.

Cardiac arrest: investigating causes
A heart disease common in young people is being researched at the cellular level

The right pills
A CHRIS health study spinoff investigates the effectiveness of hypertension medications

Riprogrammazione efficace delle cellule tumorali
Uno studio dimostra l'efficacia di una molecola contro il leiomiosarcoma - l'aggressivo cancro dei tessuti molli - e identifica alcuni geni che permettono una prognosi migliore

Dolore cronico
Cosa è, quanto è diffuso e come lo studiamo