Eurach Research


Infrastruttura per Corpora di Testi di Apprendenti

    I corpora di apprendenti (learner corpora) costituiscono una base fondamentale per una parte rilevante delle attività di ricerca dell'Istituto di linguistica applicata. Il progetto denominato "Learner Corpus Infrastructure" (LCI) mira ad incrementare il potenziale di ricerca dell'Istituto, realizzando un'infrastruttura sempre più efficiente dedicata alla raccolta, all'elaborazione e al manutenzione dei corpora di apprendenti.

    Categorising speakers’ language background: Theoretical assumptions and methodological challenges for learner corpus research
    Lopopolo O, Bienati A, Frey JC, Glaznieks A, Spina S (2025)
    Elsevier BV
    Articolo su rivista
    Research Methods in Applied Linguistics

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Intensification in written L2 Italian: Insights from the multilingual region of South Tyrol

    Spina S, Glaznieks A, Abel A (2025)
    Articolo su rivista
    International Journal of Learner Corpus Research

    Categorizing Speakers’ Language Background: Theoretical Assumptions and Methodological Challenges for Learner Corpus Research
    Lopopolo O, Bienati A, Frey J-C, Glaznieks A, Spina S (2024)

    Conference: Exploring the Use of Corpus Linguistics Research Methods, BAAL Corpus Linguistics SIG Symposium | University of Edinburgh | 27.3.2024 - 27.3.2024

    Corpora di apprendenti di italiano L2 (anche ma non solo) in Alto Adige
    Bienati A (2024)

    Conference: Tecnologie per la didattica delle lingue | Bologna | 16.4.2024 - 17.4.2024

    La scuola e le altre lingue? Una riflessione epistemologica sugli usi linguistici in contesti scolastici
    Platzgummer V, Bienati A, Lopopolo O, Leone-Pizzighella AR (2024)

    Conference: AItLA 2024| XXIV Congresso Internazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata | Pavia : 21.2.2024 - 23.2.2024

    Discourse markers in the curricularization of ‘academic language’: a mixed methods analysis of tipo and praticamente in Italian secondary schools
    Leone-Pizzighella AR, Bienati A, Frey JC (2024)
    Contributo in un libro
    Contesti, pratiche e risorse della comunicazione multimodale

    Ulteriori informazioni: ...

    KoKo German L1 Learner Corpus 4
    Abel A, Glaznieks A, Culy C, Nicolas L, Stemle E (2024)
    Banca dati

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    MultiGED-2023 shared task at NLP4CALL: Multilingual Grammatical Error Detection
    Volodina E, Bryant C, Caines A, De Clerq O, Frey JC, Ershova E, Rosen A, Vinogradova O (2023)
    Contributo in atti di convegno

    Conference: 12th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2023) | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands | 22.5.2023 - 22.5.2023

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    What kind of speakers are these? Discussing the ‘native speaker’ categorization in corpus design
    Lopopolo O, Glaznieks A (2023)

    Conference: Morella Young Researchers Symposium on Multilingualism (MYRSM) | Morella | 12.6.2023 - 13.6.2023

    MultiGED-2023 shared task at NLP4CALL: Multilingual Grammatical Error Detection
    Volodina E, Bryant C, Caines A, De Clercq O, Frey JC, Ershova E, Rosen A, Vinogradova O (2023)

    Conference: 12th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2023) | Tórshavn, Faroe Islands | 22.5.2023 - 22.5.2023

    Ulteriori informazioni: ...

    Discussing the ‘native speaker’ categorization in corpus design: theories, procedures and methodological decisions
    Lopopolo O (2023)

    Conference: Forschungskolloquium - Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik - Humboldt Universität Berlin | Berlin | 28.6.2023 - 28.6.2023

    The Kolipsi Corpus Family: Resources for Learner Corpus Research in Italian and German
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC, Abel A, Nicolas L, Vettori C (2023)
    Articolo su rivista
    Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    A core metadata schema for L2 data
    Paquot M, König A, Frey JC, Stemle EW (2023)

    Conference: EuroSLA 32, Conference of the European Second Language Association | Brimingham | 30.8.2023 - 2.9.2023

    Leonide: A longitudinal trilingual corpus of young learners of Italian, German and English
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC, Stopfner M, Zanasi L, Nicolas L (2022)
    John Benjamins Publishing Company
    Articolo su rivista
    International Journal of Learner Corpus Research

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Syntactic variation in German “weil”-clauses: Comparison between immersed and non-immersed learners of German
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC (2022)

    Conference: 6th International Conference for Learner Corpus Research (LCR 2022) | Padova | 22.9.2022 - 24.9.2022

    Introducing a Gold Standard Corpus from Young Multilinguals for the Evaluation of Automatic UD-PoS Taggers for Italian
    Schmalz VJ, Frey JC, Stemle EW (2022)
    Contributo in atti di convegno

    Conference: Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CliC-it 2021) | Milan | 29.6.2022 - 1.7.2022

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Towards standardizing LCR metadata
    König A, Frey JC, Stemle EW, Glaznieks A, Paquot M (2022)

    Conference: 6th International Conference for Learner Corpus Research (LCR 2022) | Padova | 22.9.2022 - 24.9.2022

    Italian middle school students' task motivation in narrative essay writing
    Lopopolo O, Frey JC, Okinina N (2022)

    Conference: VII Congresso DILLE “Didattica delle lingue e valutazione| società, scuola, università” | Pisa : 12.5.2022 - 13.5.2022

    LEONIDE: A longitudinal trilingual corpus of young learners of Italian, German and English
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC (2022)

    Conference: 6th International Conference for Learner Corpus Research (LCR 2022) | Padova | 22.9.2022 - 24.9.2022

    Kolipsi-1 Corpus v1.0
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC, Abel A, Vettori C, Nicolas L (2021)
    Banca dati

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Kolipsi-2 Corpus v1.0
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC, Abel A, Vettori C, Nicolas L (2021)
    Banca dati

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Exploring Reusability and Reproducibility for a Research Infrastructure for L1 and L2 Learner Corpora
    König A, Frey JC, Stemle EW (2021)
    Articolo su rivista

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Creating a learner corpus infrastructure: Experiences from making language learner data available
    Frey J, König A, Fišer D (2020)
    Contributo in atti di convegno

    Conference: International Conference on ICT Enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities (ICTeSSH 2020) | Virtual | 29.6.2020 - 1.7.2020

    Ulteriori informazioni: ...

    PORTA: The Learner Corpus Portal of Eurac Research
    Glaznieks A (2020)
    Sito web

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Creating a learner corpus infrastructure: Experiences from making language learner data available
    König A, Frey JC (2020)

    Conference: International Conference on ICT Enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities (ICTeSSH 2020) | Virtual | 29.6.2020 - 1.7.2020

    Lexikalische Komplexität im Kontext holistischer Textbewertungen
    Frey JC (2020)

    Conference: Mehrsprachigkeit und Lernerkorpora | Bolzano | 13.2.2020 - 13.2.2020

    CTAP for Italian: Integrating Components for the Analysis of Italian into a Multilingual Linguistic Complexity Analysis Tool
    Okinina N, Frey JC, Weiß Z (2020)
    Contributo in atti di convegno

    Conference: 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020) | Marseille | 11.5.2020 - 16.5.2020

    LEONIDE – Longitudinal Learner Corpus in Italiano, Deutsch and English 1.0
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC, Stopfner M, Zanasi L, Nicolas L (2020)
    Banca dati

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    LEONIDE: A longitudinal trilingual corpus of young learners of Italian, German and English
    Glaznieks A, Frey JC, Stopfner M, Zanasi L (2020)

    Conference: 14th Teaching and Language Corpora conference (TaLC 2020) | Perpignan | 15.7.2020 - 17.7.2020

    Transc&Anno: A Graphical Tool for the Transcription and On-the-Fly Annotation of Handwritten Documents
    Okinina N, Nicolas L, Lyding V (2018)

    Conference: Games4NLP workshop at Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018) | Miyazaki | 7.5.2018 - 12.5.2018

    Transc&Anno: A Graphical Tool for the Transcription and On-the-Fly Annotation of Handwritten Documents
    Okinina N, Nicolas L, Lyding V (2018)
    Contributo in atti di convegno

    Conference: Games4NLP workshop at Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018) | Miyazaki | 7.5.2018 - 12.5.2018

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    KoKo German L1 Learner Corpus v3
    Abel A, Glaznieks A, Culy C (2014)
    Banca dati

    Ulteriori informazioni:

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