Europäische Union
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Revisiting the Self-Determination Referendum in Catalonia

The European (Real)Politik of the new German government – Friedrich Merz, facing threats to freedom and peace: 'whatever it takes'

The Difficulties of a Double-mandate: Competing Equality Portfolios in the European Commission

Against modern football?

The European Commission begins the 2024-2029 institutional cycle amid multiple questions

Promoting renewable energy in Italy: the role of municipalities and citizens

Young people have power in the local communities. Examples from Poland and North Macedonia

Ok, Zoomer: is Gen Z shifting right?

Von europäischen Spitzenweinen, geschützten Ursprungsbezeichnungen und Klimaresilienz
Eine neue Studie zeigt, wie der Klimawandel die Weinbauregionen in Europa verändert.

French election: no one won

The wrong kind of “people”


The importance of the European vote

The use of AI in elections

European elections in a chaotic Germany

Was hält die Europäische Union von Sezessionsbewegungen?
Forderungen nach Unabhängigkeit und die EU-Institutionen sind Thema der diesjährigen Vorlesung über Minderheitenrechte

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act – An Intelligent Piece of Legislation?

The Old Man and the European Social Union

The Bosnian Constitution: facing the EU integration process

Spain faces the abyss

Early elections in Spain: causes and prospects

The “Windsor framework”: is it the last word on the Irish border puzzle?

'It takes as long as it takes'
Why 'parachuted' peace agreements do not stand the test of time