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Institute for Biomedicine - ELSI - News & Events - The third Transnational Project Meeting of the SCIBIOEU

21 December 23

The third Transnational Project Meeting of the SCIBIOEU

  • English

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The third Transnational Project Meeting of the SCIBIOEU Erasmus+ KA2 project took place as an online meeting on the 12th of December, through ZOOM. All partners of the SCIBIOEU consortium were able to present their progress in their working packages, especially concerning the SCIBIOEU online course and the SCIBIOEU online Serious Game. An alpha version of the Serious Game was presented to everyone, giving rise to a lot of brainstorming, concerning the game development. Finally, future plans of the project and preparations for the written project evaluations were also included in the discussion.

SCIBIOEU (SCIence outreach: The example of BIObanks in Europe) is an Erasmus+ KA2 project in Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education, which aims to develop a new innovative course focusing on the Science Outreach of biobanking, adapted to the need of young scientists and students of Health and Biological Departments of Higher Education Institutions (HEI). It will also develop an innovative Serious Game as an attractive and effective tool for the awareness of the general public in biobanking issues and a digital Guideline Handbook called “Best Practice Guidelines for Science Outreach”.

SCIBIOEU is coordinated by the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens (Principal Investigator, Dr. Olga Tzortzatou Nanopoulou) with the collaboration of 6 other partners from highly prestigious research institutes and universities across Europe: the National Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos", the University of West Attica , the University of Cyprus, EURAC Research, the University of Turku and the Mediziniche Universitat Graz, from Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Finland and Austria, respectively.

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