Eurach Research

Unione europea

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The European (Real)Politik of the new German government – Friedrich Merz, facing threats to freedom and peace: 'whatever it takes'

The European (Real)Politik of the new German government – Friedrich Merz, facing threats to freedom and peace: 'whatever it takes'

Mario KöllingMario Kölling
The Difficulties of a Double-mandate: Competing Equality Portfolios in the European Commission

The Difficulties of a Double-mandate: Competing Equality Portfolios in the European Commission

Eva Sophie KrollaEva Sophie Krolla
Against modern football?

Against modern football?

Miguel Ángel Sevilla-DuroMiguel Ángel Sevilla-Duro
The European Commission begins the 2024-2029 institutional cycle amid multiple questions

The European Commission begins the 2024-2029 institutional cycle amid multiple questions

Núria González CampañáNúria González Campañá
Promoting renewable energy in Italy: the role of municipalities and citizens

Promoting renewable energy in Italy: the role of municipalities and citizens

Matteo BattistelliMatteo Battistelli
Young people have power in the local communities. Examples from Poland and North Macedonia

Young people have power in the local communities. Examples from Poland and North Macedonia

Weronika SkorupskaWeronika Skorupska
Ok, Zoomer: is Gen Z shifting right?

Ok, Zoomer: is Gen Z shifting right?

Meya LeeMeya Lee
A proposito di vini, denominazione d’origine protetta e resilienza climatica
cambiamenti climatici

A proposito di vini, denominazione d’origine protetta e resilienza climatica

Un nuovo studio mostra come il cambiamento climatico stia modificando le regioni vitivinicole europee.

French election: no one won

French election: no one won

Marta GiacominiMarta Giacomini
The wrong kind of “people”

The wrong kind of “people”

Jacob WentzJacob Wentz


Hanna Lena Maria GesangHanna Lena Maria Gesang
The importance of the European vote

The importance of the European vote

Francesco PalermoFrancesco Palermo
The use of AI in elections

The use of AI in elections

Dirk BrandDirk Brand
European elections in a chaotic Germany

European elections in a chaotic Germany

Bastian KargeBastian Karge
Cosa pensa l’Unione europea dei movimenti secessionisti?
Unione europea

Cosa pensa l’Unione europea dei movimenti secessionisti?

Gli indipendentismi e le istituzioni comunitarie sono al centro della lezione annuale sui diritti delle minoranze

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act – An Intelligent Piece of Legislation?

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act – An Intelligent Piece of Legislation?

Christoph MüllerChristoph Müller
The Old Man and the European Social Union

The Old Man and the European Social Union

Bastian KargeBastian Karge
The Bosnian Constitution: facing the EU integration process

The Bosnian Constitution: facing the EU integration process

Leonardo TorelliLeonardo Torelli
Spain faces the abyss

Spain faces the abyss

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
Early elections in Spain: causes and prospects

Early elections in Spain: causes and prospects

Francisco Javier Romero CaroFrancisco Javier Romero Caro
The “Windsor framework”: is it the last word on the Irish border puzzle?

The “Windsor framework”: is it the last word on the Irish border puzzle?

Sara ParolariSara Parolari
The 22nd of all EU-r rights: diversity and how the Charter contributes

The 22nd of all EU-r rights: diversity and how the Charter contributes

Gabriel N. ToggenburgGabriel N. Toggenburg
“Ci vuole il tempo che ci vuole”
diritti umani

“Ci vuole il tempo che ci vuole”

Perché gli accordi di pace “paracadutati” non resistono nel tempo


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