climate change & transformation
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Why Empowering Communities is Key to Effective Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

Climate protection: Bold council advice
What do citizens' climate assemblies demonstrate? An interview with a jurist and a climate scientist

Après ski
A research project that helps alpine destinations adapt to winters with less snow.

Re-thinking Our Relationship with the Earth: Is the Anthropocene the Answer?

Electric buses in cities: data and trends for industry and local authorities
A new study provides an updated overview of the electrification of public transportation in Italy

Ricomincio da me: come contribuire alla trasformazione ecologica

Climate risks: Europe is not prepared
The first climate risk assessment on behalf of the EU Commission has been completed and a team from Eurac Research played a key role.
A che punto è l'Alto Adige sulla strada per la neutralità climatica?
Il monitoraggio del Piano Clima mostra l'andamento delle emissioni in Alto Adige

The case of Bhutan
A research team from South Tyrol travels to Bhutan to train experts in analysing climate risks and returns with the insight that the Himalayan state has a lot to teach.

We have to learn how to live on a damaged planet
Why technological advancement alone won’t solve climate change

The preparation is the real adventure
Extreme sportswoman Anja Blacha and climate risk expert Stefan Schneiderbauer in conversation

Data and scenarios for zero-emission buses
Investigating the possibility of eliminating fossil fuels from public transportation

Voluntarily and Involuntarily Immobile Farmers under the Impacts of Climate Crisis in Turkey

Das Patriarchat am Steuer der Klimakrise

Where the grasshoppers ‘sing’

A portrait of every tree
How the city of Merano is using new technology to protect its old trees

Open access answers for an emerging city
Most people haven’t heard of Phuthaditjhaba but what’s happening there can provide insights to some of the greatest challenges we are facing in terms of climate change, ...

Making democracy crisis-proof
What can states learn from Covid-19?

The 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference: achievements and shortcomings

Von marktfähiger zu weltfähiger Innovation

Cambiamenti climatici in Alto Adige: online una nuova piattaforma con dati e grafici
Il “Monitoraggio dei cambiamenti climatici in Alto Adige” utilizza indicatori selezionati per rendere visibili i cambiamenti del clima e i loro effetti

What is an extreme event?
Since 1981, a research project has analysed the extreme events that have affected certain Alpine regions. The results of which have enabled new models to manage them better.

"Most of the time, those affected become the real experts"
Conversations between disciplines: interview with economic geographer Thomas Streifeneder and lawyer Eva Maria Moar.

'Where do we want to go?'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with director of Eurac Research Stephan Ortner and geoecologist Marc Zebisch.

Scenari per l’Alto Adige verso la neutralità climatica
Eurac Research ha elaborato uno studio tecnico completo per conto della Provincia

"I nostri dati non mostrano alcun impatto della centrale sull'ecologia dell’acqua"
Il biologo Alberto Scotti ha studiato i piccoli organismi del Rio Saldura prima e dopo la costruzione di una centrale idroelettrica – e non sono stati notati cambiamenti.

"Closing the gap between research and policy"
Climate change adaptation strategies particularly urgent in mountain regions

Edipo siamo noi: Warum wir aufhören müssen, uns als Krönung der Schöpfung zu betrachten

IPCC warns world against “irreversible” impacts of global warming. How is the EU responding to the climate crisis?

We may have already seen the healthiest generations

Per salvarci dalla crisi climatica ci serve un sovrano illuminato. O forse no.

Die Region als Gemeingut

Hanf als Motor der sozialökologischen Transformation