Tools & ServicesInstitute for Renewable Energy
# Energy databaseHiBERatlas
Free and accessible database of good practice solutions for sustainable renovation of historic and traditional buildings.
Historic Building Energy Retrofit Atlas
This database presents best-practice examples of how historic buildings can be renovated to achieve high levels of energy efficiency while respecting and protecting its heritage significance. The documentation gathered provides information on the building and its construction, heritage assessment, building material specifications, energy efficiency, building services and comfort as well as on refurbishment solutions and products. The HiBERatlas is meant a free and accessible database of good practice solutions for sustainable renovation of historic and traditional buildings that bridges the gap from locally existing robust solutions towards the application in transnational context. It invites everyone to get inspired fur future refurbishments thanks to the provided visual material. In depth documentation offers designers and professionals a wide range of information on building renovation, technical solutions and the related decision processes as well as on lessons learned and achieved results. Architects are able to publish Best Practise examples and thus the database will grow also in future.
The database was released in September 2019 as a common development of two research projects, both coordinationed by Eurac Research: • The European Interreg Alpine Space project “ATLAS”, co-funded by the European Union • The “IEA-SHC Task 59” within the Solar Heating and Cooling program (SHC) of the International Energy Agency (IEA)
Lot of visual material of the on-site interventions detailed information about the energetic interventions (envelope, windows, plants, photovoltaic, ventilation) energy saving before/after retrofit interventions historical and architectural descriptions of each building lessons learned and achieved results possibility to publish your own retrofit best practice
The database is freely accessible Link