Eurach Research

TIMES Heat tool

The TIMES Heat is a model of heating sectors scenarios developed within research project REWARDHeat for the study and comparison of different heating scenarios in seven demonstration countries.

    Energy systems scenario interface

    Nine scenarios were created and modeled in the TIMES model generator for the REWARDHeat project. These nine scenarios are the outcome of a combination of 3 heat supply scenarios and 3 climate policy options. In the project, an energy system model of heating sectors of seven countries (Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden) has been developed and used to explore scenarios for transition to low-temperature district heating and carbon neutrality in these countries. Thanks to this tool you can compare scenarios and change assumptions (options) to explore how the energy systems are changing within different scenarios for each country


    The model has been developed by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute within the REWARDHeat project, coordinated by Eurac Research, which focuses on demonstrating a new generation of low-temperature district heating and cooling networks


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