Mobile People & Diverse Societies
A blog on how migrations and places shape each other

Mare #nostrum: power, media, and the Sea-Watch 3 case

Il tempo è una risorsa preziosa: voci contro le procedure accelerate di asilo

What does “integration” mean in a city like Innsbruck? Insights into a local scientific debate

“Io credo nell’America”: l’esperienza migratoria italiana verso gli USA

Between two worlds: The changing experience of Iranian migrants in South Tyrol

East, west, is home the best? Eastern European immigrant women in northern Italy in the care sector: the impact of origins on the right to work

Aus dem Auge, aus dem Sinn? Die italienischen Rückführungszentren in Albanien als Instrument der Externalisierung der Migrationspolitik

Stereotype oder Wahrheit? Mediale Narrative über Migration im Südtiroler Landtagswahlkampf 2023

Integrationspolitik im ExpertInnencheck: Grüne überzeugen, FPÖ enttäuscht

“In all these shades of grey”: Of hidden discriminations and everyday racism

“It doesn’t have to be dystopian!” Rethinking migration as a solution in the face of climate change

Convivenza sui Mezzi Pubblici: un Viaggio tra Integrazione e Confini Invisibili

Aree Rurali e Partecipazione: Cosa Cercare?

Echoes of Empire: The Resilience of Russian in Central Asia

Selektiv-inklusiv? Die Repräsentation von Kandidierenden mit Migrationshintergrund in politischen Parteien in Südtirol

Rimpatrio volontario assistito e reintegrazione: soluzione o complicazione per i migranti di ritorno?

Sotto la Superficie: Riflessioni sulle Politiche di Esternalizzazione delle Frontiere Europee

Radical right voters’ grievances over immigration, feminism and LGBTQI+ rights

Il limbo dell’esclusione abitativa nell'esperienza migrante

Ontological Security and Migration Politics: A Critical Perspective

Atheistischer Alltagsaktivismus in Marokko

How Frontex Frames Non-Rescue as Humanitarian

Milei’s Presidential Election and Migration Governance: Three Scenarios for Argentina and South America

Artificial intelligence and the governance of international migration

Taking advantage of vulnerability: migrant workers in the Tuscan countryside

Diasporic identities and the shadow of nation-states. The case of the Pontian Greeks

Migration: Der Weg in die Selbstständigkeit

Voluntarily and Involuntarily Immobile Farmers under the Impacts of Climate Crisis in Turkey

How Iran has just become the world's main host country for refugees

5 reasons why Ukrainian female migration is a feminist issue.

Donne, migrazione e gender gap sul lavoro in Alto Adige

Low visibility activism: important but easily overlooked

Transnational experiences and solidarity: inclusion vs. inequality

Project Failed: Abolish Frontex’s week of action to revoke the EU’s Nobel Peace Prize

Lula's Migration and Foreign Policy Agendas and the Future of South American Regionalism

Explorations of Resilience and Intersectional Discrimination: Visual art-based research with young women with refugee experience

The new Italian law against rescue NGOs: another crackdown on solidarity with migrants

Solidaristic inclusion through healthcare

Schengen-Veto – Österreich spielt sich selbst ins Abseits

Giorgia Meloni – Retterin in der Not?

‘I confini più duri del mondo sono fatti di carta’: Migranti senza documenti e società civili a Rotterdam

Dolomìa: a digital platform for migrant associations in South Tyrol

Closing borders is supposed to create a sense of security for those within. (…) ‘protecting’ borders also suggests that there is something to be protected from.

Le migrazioni nella campagna elettorale italiana 2022

Die Flucht der "Anderen"

Kunst und Krieg

The Atlas: A new tool for mapping and measuring religious or belief minority rights

The UK’s ‘hostile environment’ has moved into a new phase of state violence but public resistance to it is growing

A US-designed Migration Pact for the Americas?

“I’ll see you on the other side”: migrant journeys and the (re)formation of diasporic identities

Politics of Adjustment: How mayors in rural municipalities manage reception facilities for asylum seekers

Passive or active subjects? Immigrants’ political participation in Italy

Migranti e rifugiati al confronto: Quanto conta il lavoro per gli ucraini in Italia?

Scotland and Immigration: Moving beyond political narratives of openness

I rifugiati ucraini in Italia: dove sono e quanto conta la comunità ucraina preesistente

„Sie rieten mir nachdrücklich, das Land mit meinem Sohn zu verlassen.“ Eine Wissenschaftlerin aus der Ukraine berichtet

Non resto qui. La complessità del nesso diretto tra processi migratori e cambiamenti ambientali

Alle Sprachen müssen eine Rolle spielen

The strategic use of resettlement policies by Western Countries

Visegrad countries U-turn on migration: fresh impetus for EU asylum policy?

Der Ukrainekrieg und die Kirchen

Who is a refugee? Understanding Europe’s diverse responses to the 2015 and the 2022 refugee arrivals

Ethnic and linguistic identity in Ukraine? It’s complicated

Migrazioni, agricoltura e sviluppo rurale

Re-thinking Political Secularism: The Multiculturalist Challenge

The many faces of participation

Die NAIen in der Schule

A Class apart

Experience not Origins: Political Pathways in South Tyrol

Indigenous Mobility, Urbanization and Participation in Latin America

How cities and regions are turning immigrants into citizens, whatever the central governments think

Young migrants in Euregio: identity through a blend of languages

Without citizenship, but citizens nevertheless

Mobile Youth: Minority adolescent’s migration aspirations in Narva, Estonia

Multilingualism – really? Understanding language policies in South Tyrol