Why does the term ‘Felvidék’ spark debate in Slovakia and Hungary?

Editoriale: Perché lanciamo un blog sul genere

Le nuove tecnologie possono colmare il divario di genere nella mobilità?

The European (Real)Politik of the new German government – Friedrich Merz, facing threats to freedom and peace: 'whatever it takes'

Political earthquake in the Sorbian area

Why Empowering Communities is Key to Effective Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

FIUMICINA: La cucina solare lungo le rive dei fiumi

Another democratic victory for the Danish minority in Germany

Keine Resignation! Ein Aufruf zu kollektivem Handeln

Il Sudtirolo e la TV transfrontaliera: dalle antenne illegali all’app per lo streaming

Mare #nostrum: power, media, and the Sea-Watch 3 case

Local communication under digital transformation: challenge or opportunity?

Diversity and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Principles vs. practice

Il tempo è una risorsa preziosa: voci contro le procedure accelerate di asilo.

A name too Breton? France's courts battle over baby Fañch

Von unsichtbaren Frauen: Warum die Wirtschaft Frauen nicht sieht

Beeinflusst Sprache unser Denken?

How are we doing in preserving the rich linguistic data produced in South Tyrol?

Bolzano in prima linea per prevenire la violenza di genere: il rilancio della rete cittadina

Pluralism as biodiversity: Are Italy’s historical minorities an 'endangered species'?

Placemaking: strumento di inclusione o gentrificazione?

John S. Stephens, Danger Zones. A Study of National Minorities

Minority Language Media in Focus at Villa Vigoni

The Difficulties of a Double-mandate: Competing Equality Portfolios in the European Commission