Eurach Research

Connecting the Dots

A blog on how to make sense of what is going on in the world of science. Unagitated opinions, backed by science.

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Why Empowering Communities is Key to Effective Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

Why Empowering Communities is Key to Effective Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

Beeinflusst Sprache unser Denken?

Beeinflusst Sprache unser Denken?

Laura SchlutterLaura Schlutter
How are we doing in preserving the rich linguistic data produced in South Tyrol?

How are we doing in preserving the rich linguistic data produced in South Tyrol?

Egon StemleEgon Stemle
Disabilità e linguaggio: quali parole usare oggi?

Disabilità e linguaggio: quali parole usare oggi?

Isabella StanizziIsabella Stanizzi
Che cos’è la linguistica dei corpora e di cosa si occupa?

Che cos’è la linguistica dei corpora e di cosa si occupa?

Elena FerratoElena Ferrato
Come nasce una lingua (parte seconda)?

Come nasce una lingua (parte seconda)?

Luca DucceschiLuca Ducceschi
Fühlt sich ein Linguist in der Welt der Sprachen daheim?

Fühlt sich ein Linguist in der Welt der Sprachen daheim?

Aivars Glaznieks Aivars Glaznieks
Diligenza del buon padre di famiglia: una formula da aggiornare?

Diligenza del buon padre di famiglia: una formula da aggiornare?

Isabella StanizziIsabella Stanizzi
How can Open Science enhance linguistics?

How can Open Science enhance linguistics?

Giorgia AndreolliGiorgia Andreolli
What is “talking normal”?

What is “talking normal”?

Andrea Renee Leone PizzighellaAndrea Renee Leone Pizzighella
Come nasce una lingua?

Come nasce una lingua?

Luca DucceschiLuca Ducceschi
Wie gut übersetzt ChatGPT?

Wie gut übersetzt ChatGPT?

Marlies AlberMarlies Alber
Che relazione c'è tra multilinguismo e sport?

Che relazione c'è tra multilinguismo e sport?

Lorenzo ZanasiLorenzo Zanasi
Can BERT be a fussy proofreader?

Can BERT be a fussy proofreader?

Filippo PellegrinoFilippo Pellegrino
What role do emotions play in foreign language learning?

What role do emotions play in foreign language learning?

Alessia TorresanAlessia Torresan
What is Minionese and why is it relevant for plurilingualism studies?

What is Minionese and why is it relevant for plurilingualism studies?

Marta GuardaMarta Guarda
Data donations: Why should I donate my cover letter to research?

Data donations: Why should I donate my cover letter to research?

Arianna BienatiArianna Bienati
Tell me ChatGPT, how many meters can’t you jump?*

Tell me ChatGPT, how many meters can’t you jump?*

Egon StemleEgon Stemle
Haben Frauen das Zeug, um sich in der parlamentarischen Debatte kommunikativ durchzusetzen?

Haben Frauen das Zeug, um sich in der parlamentarischen Debatte kommunikativ durchzusetzen?

Maria StopfnerMaria Stopfner
What role does language play in healthcare?

What role does language play in healthcare?

Nicole MarinaroNicole Marinaro
Sordo o son desto?

Sordo o son desto?

Chiara VettoriChiara Vettori
Die Rolle der Vereine in der Südtiroler Gesellschaft: Interview mit Pepi Ploner

Die Rolle der Vereine in der Südtiroler Gesellschaft: Interview mit Pepi Ploner

Die Rolle der Vereine in der Südtiroler Gesellschaft: Interview mit Georg Simeoni

Die Rolle der Vereine in der Südtiroler Gesellschaft: Interview mit Georg Simeoni

Can Speech-to-Text unravel the mysteries of the South Tyrolean dialect?

Can Speech-to-Text unravel the mysteries of the South Tyrolean dialect?

Greta FranziniGreta Franzini
Was macht eigentlich ein „Simultanübersetzer“?

Was macht eigentlich ein „Simultanübersetzer“?

Marlies AlberMarlies Alber
What is the difference between a minority language and a minoritised language?

What is the difference between a minority language and a minoritised language?

Elena ChiocchettiElena Chiocchetti
“Turubu scetiekitiovovo?”

“Turubu scetiekitiovovo?”

Lorenzo ZanasiLorenzo Zanasi
In ladino si può parlare di tutto?

In ladino si può parlare di tutto?

Ruth VidesottRuth Videsott
Co-presence and Participation in Open Science Conferences: How can we do better?

Co-presence and Participation in Open Science Conferences: How can we do better?

Sarahanne M. FieldSarahanne M. Field
Perché a volte usiamo il maschile al posto del femminile nei nomi di professione?

Perché a volte usiamo il maschile al posto del femminile nei nomi di professione?

Perché l’etimologia è importante anche a scuola?

Perché l’etimologia è importante anche a scuola?

Sabrina ColomboSabrina Colombo
Wie viele Übersetzer braucht es, um eine Glühbirne zu wechseln?

Wie viele Übersetzer braucht es, um eine Glühbirne zu wechseln?

Marlies AlberMarlies Alber
Was Twitter a good boy?

Was Twitter a good boy?

Paolo BrasolinPaolo Brasolin
Come posso condividere i risultati della mia ricerca con i partecipanti?

Come posso condividere i risultati della mia ricerca con i partecipanti?

Andrea Renee Leone PizzighellaAndrea Renee Leone Pizzighella
Kann man im Dialekt schreiben, wie man will?

Kann man im Dialekt schreiben, wie man will?

Aivars Glaznieks Aivars Glaznieks
Figlio legittimo, figlio naturale o semplicemente figlio?

Figlio legittimo, figlio naturale o semplicemente figlio?

Isabella StanizziIsabella Stanizzi
Can computers generate language learning exercises?

Can computers generate language learning exercises?

Lionel NicolasLionel Nicolas
“Wir sprechen schon ein schlechtes Deutsch, oder?”

“Wir sprechen schon ein schlechtes Deutsch, oder?”

Verena PlatzgummerVerena Platzgummer
Essere coerenti è importante anche quando si scrive?

Essere coerenti è importante anche quando si scrive?

Lorenzo ZanasiLorenzo Zanasi
Habe ich nun Vorfahrt, Vorrang, Vortritt oder soll ich doch lieber warten?

Habe ich nun Vorfahrt, Vorrang, Vortritt oder soll ich doch lieber warten?

Natascia RalliNatascia Ralli
Übersetzen studieren im Zeitalter der maschinellen Übersetzung: Ist Deutsch eine Option?

Übersetzen studieren im Zeitalter der maschinellen Übersetzung: Ist Deutsch eine Option?

Sandra NauertSandra Nauert
Is ChatGPT talking like a human?

Is ChatGPT talking like a human?

Francesco FernicolaFrancesco Fernicola
Sarahanne Field Wants To Put the "Open" Back Into Open Science

Sarahanne Field Wants To Put the "Open" Back Into Open Science

Martin W. AnglerMartin W. Angler
Kann man den Genderstern in andere Sprachen übersetzen?

Kann man den Genderstern in andere Sprachen übersetzen?

Elena ChiocchettiElena Chiocchetti
Is English shoeing out smaller languages from many specialised domains?

Is English shoeing out smaller languages from many specialised domains?

Elena ChiocchettiElena Chiocchetti
Interpretieren mehrsprachige Menschen Aussagen anders, als sie gemeint sind?

Interpretieren mehrsprachige Menschen Aussagen anders, als sie gemeint sind?

Sophie BraterschofskySophie Braterschofsky
Ist Verstehenwollen rassistisch?

Ist Verstehenwollen rassistisch?

How do language and power interact?

How do language and power interact?

Elias TelserElias Telser
Den Lockdown gab’s doch überall, oder nicht?

Den Lockdown gab’s doch überall, oder nicht?

Marlies AlberMarlies Alber
How Academic Bullying Led This Data Scientist to Open Science

How Academic Bullying Led This Data Scientist to Open Science

Paola Chiara MasuzzoPaola Chiara Masuzzo
Why is school an important site for ethnographic research?

Why is school an important site for ethnographic research?

Andrea Renee Leone PizzighellaAndrea Renee Leone Pizzighella
Is the singular “they” grammatically correct? How can you know who it refers to?

Is the singular “they” grammatically correct? How can you know who it refers to?

Dallas HopkinsDallas Hopkins
Perché non abbiamo bisogno di un Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito. Un appello ad orientarsi verso la giustizia educativa.

Perché non abbiamo bisogno di un Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito. Un appello ad orientarsi verso la giustizia educativa.

Nadja ThomaNadja Thoma
What does a linguistic ethnographer do?

What does a linguistic ethnographer do?

Andrea Renee Leone PizzighellaAndrea Renee Leone Pizzighella
Don’t research participants act differently when they know you’re watching?

Don’t research participants act differently when they know you’re watching?

Andrea Renee Leone PizzighellaAndrea Renee Leone Pizzighella
Are Eurac Research linguists really gaming during work hours?!

Are Eurac Research linguists really gaming during work hours?!

Greta FranziniGreta Franzini
 Tradurre: una professione o un’attività per tutti?

Tradurre: una professione o un’attività per tutti?

Flavia De CamillisFlavia De Camillis
Pronomi per le persone non-binarie – come si può dire “they/them” in italiano?

Pronomi per le persone non-binarie – come si può dire “they/them” in italiano?

Dallas HopkinsDallas Hopkins

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